

布朗科集團 夏多內白酒
BRONCO Coastal Ridge Chardonnay

原價:$ 630/瓶btl

加州-布朗科集團 - 海岸系列 夏多內白酒
BRONCO Coastal Ridge Chardonnay, California, USA 

產區/Region:California, U.S.A.

品種/Grapes: 100% Chardonnay

酒質/Tasting Notes:成熟的梨、蘋果與蜂蜜,帶著些許煙燻的氣味,如此多層次的香味變化及豐富口感,是此款酒的特色。入口柔順,質感高雅,足夠的酸度可適當地刺激味蕾,是一款佐餐佳釀。
Ripe pear, apple and honey, with a little smoke smell, so multi-layered scent changes and rich taste, this wine is a specialty. Entrance supple texture and elegant enough acidity may be appropriate to stimulate the taste buds, is adorned with a wine.

酒精濃度/ Alcohol:12.5%

適飲溫度/ Serving temperature:8-12°C

建議搭配/ Food matches:適合搭配香蒜辣味煙燻雞肉, 培燒里肌三明治, 香煎鱸魚排, 及口味清淡的軟質乳酪。
Smoked chicken with pesto for spicy, roasting in muscle 
sandwiches, pan-fried sea bass row, and taste light soft cheese.

Mead's New World International Wine Competition 2013 - DOUBLE GOLD
2011 California State Fair Wine Competition – 89 Points / Silver Medal
2011 San Francisco Chronicle Wine Competition - Silver Medal


酒廠 winery 發表品酒心得

    BRONCO -布朗科集團
    Bronco 布朗科葡萄酒公司為全美第四大葡萄酒集團,其下擁有 Napa Ridge、Coastal Ridge、Crane Lake 等 40 多種品牌,Bronco 葡萄酒集團在加州擁有 30,000 英畝的葡萄園,一年約可釀造兩仟萬箱的酒。釀造高品質且價格合理的加州酒供消費者飲用,並使葡萄酒能夠於任何場合、氣氛與環境中被飲用,是 Bronco 布朗科葡萄酒集團釀酒之終旨。
    Founded in 1973 by Fred T., Joseph S. and John Franzia, Bronco Wine Company is a family-owned winery committed to growing, producing and selling the finest quality wines of the highest value to our customers. Bronco Wine Company’s diverse family of brands is sold in over 90 countries worldwide in addition to being distributed throughout the United States. Bronco Wine Company has become a major vintage varietal wine source to the California wine industry and is currently recognized as the fifth largest winery and the largest vineyard owner in the United States. Our quest for quality begins with vineyard development and continues to grow into areas such as premium bulk wine contracts, research and development, brand development, brand marketing and national distribution. Bronco Wine Company is vertically integrated, from the vineyard to the table, focused on crafting wines for the American table.



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