

麥克莫瑞酒莊 黑皮諾紅酒
MacMurray Ranch Pinot Noir

原價:$ 1400/瓶


嘉露酒廠-麥克莫瑞酒莊-索諾瑪 俄羅斯河谷產區

MacMurray Ranch Pinot Noir , Ruissan River Valley ,
Sonoma Coast, California , USA 

產區/Region: Russian River Valley, Sonoma County

品種/Grapes:100% Pinot Noir

酒質/Tasting Notes:這是一款來自俄羅斯河谷之精典黑皮諾紅酒,擁有紅色和黑色果子之精緻綜合果香,深沉櫻桃風味說明橡木桶的成功運用,提供了酒質典雅的表現。  This is a classic Russian River Valley Pinot Noir, with concentrated fruit flavors of deep black cherry complemented by subtle oak to add richness and depth on the finish. The secondary notes hint at the subtle spice, mushroom, forest floor or earthy notes.

The original homestead on MacMurray Ranch was settled over 150 years ago in the Russian River Valley of Sonoma County. Actor Fred MacMurray purchased the ranch in the 1940’s and made it home for over 50 years. Today, surrounded by vineyards, this homestead lends its name to some of Claifornia’s best Pinot Noir and Pinot Gris.

Our MacMurray Ranch Sonoma Coast Pinot Noir showcases the cool-climate fruit grown in the Sonoma Coast appellation. The maritime climate and dense clay soils are ideal for Pinot Noir as the vines mature slowly here, coaxing the fruit to perfect ripenss.

This wine has distinctive cherry and strawberry flavors accentuated by serrt banilla notes and spice. Our Pinot Noir is a versatile wine that pairs well with a wide range of foods from grilled salmon to herbed chicken and roasted meats.

酒精濃度/ Alcohol:13.5%

適飲溫度/ Serving temperature:16-18°

建議搭配/ Food matches:適合與烤羊排、煎鮭魚、義大利燉飯等精緻料理搭配。 
This wine would pair well with lamb, Pacific Northwest Salmon and mushroom risotto.   

得獎紀錄/Score:95 Points / Just Wine Points 2009


酒廠 winery 發表品酒心得

    麥克莫瑞酒莊 MacMurray

    麥克莫瑞 MacMurray 酒莊位於Russian River Valley 俄羅斯河谷的中心,在舊金山以北約七十英里。
    麥克莫瑞 MacMurray酒莊對Russian River Valley 俄羅斯河谷之珍貴棲息地的維持和保護的工作,一直都持續不斷努力著。麥克莫瑞 MacMurray酒莊佔地1500英畝保留超過一半的土地,作為鳥類和其他野生動物棲息地。還特別還原一些野生區域,以保護古老的橡樹與紅木樹。在葡萄園中,放棄使用化學藥物去控制雜草和昆蟲的方式,盡可能以自然方式吸引益蟲,建立健康的葡萄生長的環境。
    蘇珊Susan為其釀酒師,她追求一種細緻的釀酒風格,並期望麥克莫瑞 MacMurray酒莊的葡萄酒,能在深度和優雅之間,形成完美的平衡。因為她深受 Old Burgundy 經典布根地,的影響所以特別注重氣候、土壤和釀酒人們的思維等各項因素之綜合影響,讓每瓶酒都有獨特身影。
    蘇珊Susan回顧她在麥克莫瑞 Mac¬Murray酒莊,工作超過15個收成季節所獲取的心得是,釀酒絕對是科學和藝術的至高結合。 

    The original homestead on MacMurray Ranch was settled over 150 years ago in the Russian River Valley of Sonoma County.Actor Fred MacMurray purchased the ranch in the 1940’s and made it his home for over 50 years. Today , surrounded by vineyards,this homestead lends its name to some of California’s best Pinot Nior and Pinot Gris.



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