

蕭&史密斯酒廠 喜若紅酒
SHAW and SMITH Shiraz

原價:$ 1450/瓶





SHAW & SMITH  Shiraz,
Adelaide Hills, Australia
產區/Region: Adelaide Hills, South Australia

品種/Grapes: 97% Shiraz, 3% Viognier

酒質/Tasting Notes: 新穎的澳洲喜若紅酒風味,酒色明亮生動,精細的口感變化,有著優雅的紅色莓果香,與更吸引人的胡椒香料特性,帶出成熟的黑色莓果香,轉而濃郁扎實,細緻綿長的單寧。
It is modern Australian Shiraz; less reliance on oak, vibrant and bright. The wine displays distinctive pepper and spice characters with good mid palate weight and length. It has fine fruit concentration and purity of character.

酒精濃度/ Alcohol: 14%

適飲溫度/ Serving temperature: 18~22℃

建議搭配/ Food matches:

得獎紀錄/Score: ’10--James Halliday:96 pts、’10--Wine Spectator:90 pts 

酒廠 winery 發表品酒心得

    蕭.史密斯酒莊位於Balhannah與德國村之間的Jones Road上一片46公頃的土地上,俯瞰四公頃的堤壩及洛夫締山脈的迷人景色。酒廠負責人Michael Hill Smith,1988 年,Michael Hill Smith 成為澳洲第一位通過品酒檢定考的專家。他同時也是酒業製造商、品酒顧問、酒類評審員、作家和播報員。Hill-Smith 是目前在皇家阿得雷德品酒展示評審團的主席並且有廣泛的品酒經驗。

    Michael在Roseworthy 農業學院取得了他的學位,也從倫敦Cordon Bleu School得到一個專業文憑,並且在 1988 贏得Madame Bollinger Tasting的獎章。馬丁蕭與麥可希爾史密斯既是表兄弟也是生意夥伴,1989年兩人成立了蕭.史密斯Shaw+Smith,他們專精於夏多內、白蘇維濃,並且在阿德雷德丘種植了喜若品種。他們的目標是要將他們製造最好的酒列入澳洲的排行。他們的第一款作品是蘇維濃白酒,而且ㄧ上市立刻變成澳洲蘇維濃白酒的指標。蕭.史密斯的蘇維濃白酒與喜若紅酒(含有3-4%的Viognier)已然登峰造極, M3夏多內白酒更是超越極限。M3的葡萄園在Woodside,以三位合夥人名字的首位次母來命名(Martin, Michael, and Machael’s brother Matthew)。蕭與史密斯的確具有獨到的品味,知道如何釀造出稀世珍釀,尤其在釀酒的直覺與技術上,少有人能出其右。

    Martin Shaw and Michael Hill Smith first cousins and business partners, they set up Shaw+Smith in 1989. Their first wine was a Sauvignon Blanc, and it quickly became the behchmark for the variety in Australia. As outstanding as the S is, and as impressive as the Shiraz is (with its 3-4% viognier), the most stunning wine right now is the M3 vineyard Chardonnay. The M3 vineyard at Woodside, is named for the 3 partners, Martin, Michael, and Machael’s brother Matthew. Hill Smith and Shaw have excellent palates, know the great wines of the world intinmately, have a keen sense of style and the know-how to achieve it.



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