

-V&B酒廠 亞美拉系列 田帕尼優紅酒
VINOS & BODEGAS Amelasio Tempranillo

原價:$ 450/瓶


-亞美拉系列  田帕尼優紅酒

VINOS & BODEGAS Amelasio Tempranillo,
VDP-Tierea de Castilla, Spain

產區/Region:VDP-Tierea de Castilla, Spain

品種/Grapes: 100% Tempranillo

酒質/Tasting Notes:漂亮的石榴紅色澤,聞起來帶有櫻桃等紅色水果果香,以及甘草、咖啡、可可等香氣。口感柔和飽滿而柔和,細緻的單寧提供了良好結構和高雅感,餘味溫暖芳香。Strong colour with high layer ruby tones, clean fruity bouquet. It is ample and full-bodied in the mouth with velvety tannins.

酒精濃度/ Alcohol:  13%

適飲溫度/ Serving temperature:16-18°C

建議搭配/ Food matches:燒烤類的食物、羊排及西班牙小點或純飲皆可。Barbecue meats, rack of lamb and tapas or simply to enjoy on it's own.


酒廠 winery 發表品酒心得

    Vinos & Bodegas 酒廠

    Vinos & Bodegas是西班牙一家相當具有規模的葡萄酒生產者,座落於世界最廣闊的葡萄酒產區Castilla La Mancha。Castilla La Mancha位於平均海拔700公尺的高原,從冬季可以低至-15度,到夏季會熱到40度的巨大溫差,全年超過3,000小時的日照,雨量稀少,以及石灰質土壤,種種的條件造就本地區成為一個非常理想的葡萄酒產地。 Vinos & Bodegas是在1997年由兩位西班牙葡萄酒業的重量級人物共同開創的新計畫,旗下擁有420公頃的葡萄園,並採用新穎先進的釀造設備,讓它得以用非常實惠的價格 供應品質優異的產品。Amelasio是其中一個高品質的系列,都是以國際知名的單一品種釀造,表現出輕鬆易飲的風格又有品種的特色。依據當地的傳統說法,Amelasio是一種能帶來幸運的樹,所以當地人民常會在住家旁邊種這種樹。

    Román Cantarero Serrano founder of the Winery at Fuente de Pedro Naharro (Cuenca) and one of the pioneers at the exportation of wine all over the world. Gonzalo Cantarero Sánchez founder of Cía Internacional Vinícola Agrícola, S.A. (CIVINASA), one of the most important wineries during the 70's, 80's and 90's leading the exports and marketing field regarding wine and vinyl alcohol. Román and Santiago Cantarero. In 1997 we started developing our own Project witch is now a reality. Taking the relief from the previous generation, we have started a new stage towards the future keeping the same tradition and quality, that's how Vinos & Bodegas was born.



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