

普依亞緹酒莊 視野白酒

原價:$ 1100/瓶

義大利-安潔莉集團 普依亞緹酒莊-弗留利產區-視野白酒
PUIATTI Signature VUJ, Isonzo del Friuli, Italy

產區/Region: Isonzo del Friuli DOC  (伊松佐-弗里尤利)

品種/Grapes: 100% Friulano弗里那諾 (又名Sauvignonasse 或綠蘇維濃)

酒質/Tasting Notes:100%的弗里那諾葡萄(Friulano)呈現石榴及青蘋果等植物芬芳,生動活潑且清新的口感持續在口中迴盪,尾韻綿長。
100% of Friulano grapes presents pomegranate and green apples and other fragrant plants, lively and refreshing taste in the mouth continuously echoed lingering rhyme.

酒精濃度/ Alcohol:12%

適飲溫度/ Serving temperature:8-12°C

建議搭配/ Food matches:經典開胃酒,適合搭配火腿、海鮮及烤白肉。Classic aperitif, suitable with ham, seafood and grilled white meat.



酒廠 winery 發表品酒心得

    Trerose 安潔莉山玫瑰酒莊
    安潔莉山玫瑰酒莊座落於一間美麗的16世紀托斯卡納別墅莊園(Villa Romzi),由Valiano di Montepulciano斜坡緩緩下降至Val di Chiana 及Trasimeno 湖一帶。四周被葡萄園環繞的莊園,位於該區中心位置,最適宜生產托斯卡納產區古老傳統的紅酒﹣Vino Nobile de Montepulciano。
    酒莊涵蓋面積約180公頃,其中78公頃種植葡萄。55公頃致力生產Vino Nobile 紅酒。其他葡萄園也種植原生品種及國際性的紅白葡萄品種(如知名的Viogner).近年來專注於傳統製程加以先進科技及酒窖管理。
    來到山玫瑰酒莊,你一定不要錯過 Simposio ﹣Vino Nobile di Montepulciano 紅酒 (100% 由最古老的葡萄老藤精選Prugnolo Gentile葡萄﹣山吉歐維列當地名稱) ,和La Villa ﹣Vino Nobile di Montepulciano(由山吉歐維列,卡本內蘇維濃及小多維葡萄調配)。以及令人感興趣的Busillis白酒源自於Viognier品種。
    莊園中亦生產限量的Vin Santo di Montepulciano以芳香的Trebbiano, Grechetto和Malvasia葡萄發酵並於傳統caratelli小型栗木桶桶陳十年。如此傑出優雅的甜點酒是TreRose的明星產品。

    TREROSE Rosso Winery is located in a beautiful 16th-century Tuscan Villa Romzi, gently slopes down from Valiano di Montepulciano to Val di Chiana and Trasimeno Lake area. Manor was surrounded by vineyards, located in the center area, the most suitable for the production of traditional Tuscan wine-producing areas of ancient -Vino Nobile de Montepulciano.
    Winery covers an area of about 180 hectares, of which 78 hectares planted grapes. 55 hectares is committed to producing Vino Nobile wine. Other vineyards are planted native species and the international red and white grape varieties (such as the well-known Viogner). In recent years, the traditional process to focus on advanced technology and cellar management.
    Come to the TREROSE winery, you must not miss Simposio - Vino Nobile di Montepulciano wine (100% from the oldest grape vines grape selection Prugnolo Gentile – Sangiovese’s local name), and La Villa - Vino Nobile di Montepulciano (by Sangiovese, Cabernet Sauvignon and small multi-dimensional deployment). And interest Busillis liquor derived from Viognier varieties.
    Estate also produces limited amounts of Vin Santo di Montepulciano with fragrant Trebbiano, Grechetto and Malvasia grapes and fermented in traditional caratelli small cask barrel for decades. Such a distinguished and elegant dessert wine is TreRose star product.


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