

伯蘭爵酒廠 特級不甜香檳
BOLLINGER Special Cuvee Brut

售價:$ 4920/瓶

-特級不甜香檳 NV
BOLLINGER Special Cuvee Brut,
AC-Champagne, France NV

Over 85% Grand and Premier crus of the three main Champagne varieties: 60% Pinot Noir, 25% Chardonnay and 15% Meunier.

酒質/Tasting Notes:
此款香檳最能表現出Bollinger釀酒的風格:濃郁而且細緻。而其中超過85%的葡萄是來自特級園與一級園。而其名稱”Special Cuvee”更是早在1911年時,George Bollinger的英國代理商給予的想法,因為早期的法文名稱”Brut sans année”(Brut 無年份)無法匹配這款細緻優雅的香檳,所以這名如其酒的名稱就因此沿用了一百多年。

甫倒入杯中即呈現金黃色澤與冉冉而昇的氣泡。雖然是NV香檳,但是陳年時間超過法定要求15個月的兩倍時間,而其中更包含了5到15年足夠份量的Reserve Wine,讓香味與口感更有層次,不僅僅是成熟的果香,還帶有烘烤蘋果、蜜餞與剛出爐的比司吉的香味。

Special Cuvée is composed of over 85% Grand and Premier crus of the three main Champagne varieties: 60% Pinot Noir, 25% Chardonnay and 15% Meunier. It is cellar aged for twice as long as required by appellation regulations. It is moderately dosed at between 7 and 8 grams per litre.

A golden colour, distinctive of black grape varieties; very fine bubbles. A beautiful aromatic complexity; ripe fruit and spicy aromas; hints of roasted apples, compote and peaches. A subtle combination of structure, length and vivacity; bubbles like velvet; pear, brioche and spicy aromas, notes of fresh walnut.

酒精濃度/ Alcohol: 

適飲溫度/ Serving temperature: 

建議搭配/ Food matches:
Special Cuvée is perfect shared among friends, for a simple and meaningful moment. It is the champagne we give to the people we love and who love nice things. To enhance its unique style, bouquet and aromas,

James Suckling 92 分 
Wine Spectator 92 分


酒廠 winery 發表品酒心得

    伯蘭爵酒廠 BOLLINGER

    這個故事是從貴族世家一位聰明的年輕兒子Athanase de Villermont,一位離家學習香檳通路市場的德國人Joseph Bollinger,和一位熱愛葡萄酒的法國人 Paul Renaudin 相遇開始。 但真正讓Bollinger 聲名大噪的幕後推手絕對是 Jacques Bollinger 的夫人 Elizabeth。在 Elizabeth 43 歲的時候 Jacques Bollinger 因戰爭護國而喪身,為了延續丈夫的理想,Elizabeth 扛起經營領導酒廠的重責大任,並於1963 年釋出1947 年份――第一個年份香檳,儼然成為了第一瓶在市場上釋出的Bollinger R.D.。 而Bollinger 的精緻、細膩,延綿不絕的氣泡也深得英國皇室的喜愛,得到英國伊莉莎白女王的授權標章,成為皇室指定用酒。而除英國皇室外,最深得人心的英國007 情報員詹姆士龐德也是 Champagne Bollinger 的愛好者。

    The story began with Athanase de Villermont, the youngest son of a noble family with a brilliant destiny. A great soldier who shone during the American War of Independence, he inherited an extensive estate from his family in the Aÿ area. He immediately foresaw the extraordinary potential of the wines of Champagne, but as an aristocrat he was forbidden to become involved in trade. He then met Joseph Bollinger, a widely travelled German who had left his country of birth to learn about the Champagne wine trade, and Paul Renaudin, a local man who was fascinated by the world of wine. The firm of Renaudin-Bollinger & Cie was founded on 6th February 1829. Joseph took care of sales and Paul of the cellar. Athanase had founded a champagne House that was to endure through the centuries.



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