

格來佐酒莊 蒼穹之眼 精釀"未過濾"紅酒
GLAETZER Amon-Ra Unfiltered Shiraz

原價:$ 3980/瓶



澳洲-格來佐酒莊-巴羅莎谷產區-蒼穹之眼 精釀"未過濾"紅酒
GLAETZER Amon-Ra Unfiltered Shiraz ,
Barossa Valley, South Australia, Australia

產區/Region:Barossa Valley

品種/Grapes:  Shiraz 

酒質/Tasting Notes:  此款希哈強勁而均衡,充分展現班.格萊佐的釀酒熱情, 更彰顯了巴羅莎谷五代傳承的老藤栽植遺產。 酒色濃密深邃,香氣繽紛,帶有煙燻、香草、胡椒、亞洲香料、椰香、濃縮咖啡、藍莓、巧克力等氣息。 渾厚濃郁、 極具層次且完整。帶來驚人的集中度與尾韻,窖藏15年以上將呈現至臻完善的境界。
關於命名 埃及神話中Amon-Ra代表眾神之王,而Amon-Ra神殿為供應神殿居民用酒,成為商業釀酒的發祥地,蒼穹之眼即象徵葡萄酒的起源。
象徵符號 源自古埃及的全能之眼,符號的六個部份,分別象徵觸/味/聽/視/嗅/知等六覺。格萊佐以滿足此六覺為目標,創造了蒼穹之眼。

In Egyptian mythology, Amon-Ra is considered to be the king of all gods. The temple of Amon-Ra was believed to be the first temple to ever plant a monoculture vineyard to produce wine for the citizens of the temple.
The eye on front of the label is the all-seeing eye of Horus or wedjat ("whole one") - a powerful Egyptian symbol of protection. It is represented as a figure with six parts, corresponding to what Egyptians regarded as the six senses; touch, taste, hearing, sight, smell and thought.Ben created Amon-Ra Shiraz to appeal to all these six senses.

酒精濃度/ Alcohol: 14.5%

適飲溫度/ Serving temperature: 16~20℃

建議搭配/ Food matches: 適合純飲或搭配紅肉類料理、義大利麵。

得獎紀錄/Score: Robert Parker Ratings 
Vintage 02    96-100
Vintage 03    96-100    
Vintage 05    98          
Vintage 06    97-100    
Vintage 07    96-99   
Vintage 08    92


酒廠 winery 發表品酒心得

    格來佐酒莊 GLAETZER

        格萊佐酒莊(Glaetzer Wines)創立於1995年,願景為釀造出量少質精,堪為標竿的紅酒來表現出巴羅莎谷(Barossa Valley)紅酒特有的風味品質。這間莊園是創辦人 柯林‧格萊佐(Colin Glaetzer)三十餘年卓越釀酒志業的結晶,也為格萊佐家族自1888年定居在巴羅莎後開啟一頁新猷。柯林與他同為釀酒師的兒子 班(Ben Glaetzer)匠心獨具打造出極少量的特優等紅酒。採用谷中Ebenezer區在乾燥氣候下生長的老藤所產出的葡萄並於釀製過程盡量減少人工干預,成品自然而然顯現出格萊佐紅酒獨有的高貴優雅與多層次細緻的口感。

    Glaetzer Wines was established in 1995 to create limited quantities of benchmark reds, which reflect the quality and diversity of the Barossa Valley. This family-owned company is an expression of more than 30 years of winemaking for Colin, and a new chapter for the Glaetzers who have been in the Barossa since 1888. Colin and his winemaker son Ben craft small volumes of super-premium wines, using exceptional fruit from ancient, dry-grown vineyards in the Ebenezer district of the valley. With minimal intervention, they turn this fruit into wines which show  Glaetzer’s trademark elegance and complexity.




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