

-羅伯蒙岱維酒廠 酒莊特選 卡本內蘇維濃紅酒
ROBERT MONDAVI Private Selection Cabernet Sauvignon

原價:$ 1050/瓶

US3RM0091 / 086003061910

-酒莊特選系列 卡本內蘇維濃紅酒

Private Selection Cabernet Sauvignon,
California, USA 


產區/Region: California

品種/Grapes:Cabernet Sauvignon

酒質/Tasting Notes:深紅的酒色還有柔滑層次的加州李、黑莓和黑醋栗顯現在此酒中。口感中有著微微香料和從橡木桶陳年中產生的香草味。優雅的口感、絲綢般的質地及冗長的餘韻反映著這得天獨厚的產地。 
This Cabernet Sauvignon has inviting fruit-focused flavours, smooth texture and a lingering, soft finish.  The blackberry, raspberry and dried black cherry character comes from grapes grown in both the North and Central Coast regions of California.  Aging in small French and American oak barrels married the diverse vineyard flavours with notes of vanilla, while enhancing the wine's complexity.


酒精濃度/ Alcohol:15%

適飲溫度/ Serving temperature:14-18°

建議搭配/ Food matches:燒烤牛、羊排,口味較重的中式紅肉類菜餚。  Complements pork, lamb, fish, game hens, pizza or even chocolate cake. Try using this Cabernet Sauvignon as a marinade for steak, mixed with fresh herbs.

得獎紀錄/Score:’01--Wine Spectator:81 pts 


酒廠 winery 發表品酒心得

    羅伯蒙岱維酒廠 ROBERT MONDAVI

    羅伯蒙岱維西元1913年6月18號生於美國明尼蘇打州的維吉尼亞,在葡萄酒釀酒技術與行銷策略上ㄧ直楚於領先地位,並且加州那怕山谷的葡萄酒推廣成為世界知名葡萄酒。 在早期,羅伯蒙岱維及積極的推動將葡萄品名標示於酒標上,目前已成為新世界葡萄酒的標準標示方式。 羅伯蒙岱維酒廠的設立起源於羅伯蒙岱維與其兄弟彼得在行銷策略上的不和,於是在1965年被迫離開當時的家族事業酒廠Charles Krug Winery, 於1966建立羅伯蒙岱維酒廠。 經過多年的努力,羅伯蒙岱維成功的將羅伯蒙岱維酒廠與那帕山谷這各名字推廣出去,也讓他和酒廠成為那帕山谷最閃耀的ㄧ顆明星。目前羅伯蒙岱維酒廠每年生產65萬箱酒。 主要的產品是以夏多內、卡本內蘇維濃、以及福美白酒(較不甜、陳年 的蘇維濃白酒)、 Chenin Blanc、枚落、黑皮諾、麗絲琳及汽泡酒。 精選系列產品釀自各種葡萄品種,品質極高,備受讚譽。 1979年羅伯蒙岱維於中央山谷的Lodi產區開始生產較低價位的木橋系列,每年有超過兩百萬箱的產量。 羅伯蒙岱維酒廠在那帕山谷佔地1500公頃,在聖塔芭芭拉則有500公頃佔地。 羅伯蒙岱維酒廠亦與Baron Phillipe de Rothschild酒廠(亦即Château MOUTON-ROTHSCHILD的持有者)共同持有一號樂章酒廠。 另外,目前亦對拜倫酒廠、Montpellier Vineyards 及 VICHON WINERY也產生興趣。1993年募集資金公開上市發行。 
    Robert Gerald Mondavi born June 18, 1913 in Virginia, Minnesota, United States is a leading vineyard operator whose technical improvements and marketing strategies brought worldwide recognition for the wines of the Napa Valley in California. From an early period, Mondavi aggressively promoted labeling wines varietally rather than generically. This is now the standard for New World wines. The well-publicized feud between the two Mondavi brothers, Robert and Peter, ended with Robert being forced from the family business (Charles Krug Winery) in 1965. In 1966 he established his own wine business, Robert Mondavi Winery. Over the years, Robert vigorously promoted both his winery and the NAPA VALLEY, and both he and his winery have become some of the valley's most visible elements.
    Today, the Robert Mondavi Winery, which is located on Highway 29 between Oakville and Rutherford, produces over 650,000 cases of wine each year. Production is led by CHARDONNAY and CABERNET SAUVIGNON, although the winery also produces FUMÉ BLANC (a term coined by Mondavi for DRY, oak-aged SAUVIGNON BLANCS), CHENIN BLANC, MERLOT, PINOT NOIR, RIESLING, and SPARKLING WINES. Mondavi RESERVE wines, which are consistently praised for high quality, are produced from many of the varieties. In 1979 Mondavi started the Woodbridge wine-producing facility near the town of Lodi, just north of Stockton in the CENTRAL VALLEY. Today this facility annually produces over 2 million cases of lower-priced wine. Robert Mondavi Winery owns about 1,500 acres in the Napa Valley and another 500 acres in the SANTA BARBARA area. Mondavi is also in partnership with the Baron Phillipe de Rothschild family (owners of Château MOUTON-ROTHSCHILD) in the Napa Valley winery OPUS ONE. In addition, the winery or family members own or have interests in BYRON VINEYARD & WINERY, Montpellier Vineyards, and VICHON WINERY. In 1993 the winery raised additional funds through a public stock offering. It's now publicly traded, although the family has controlling interest.



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