

夏伯帝酒廠 ”La Petite Ruche”紅酒

原價:$ 1200/瓶



-北隆河 AC克羅茲艾米達吉產區
-”La Petite Ruch”紅酒 

MARC CHAPOUTIER La Petite Ruche” Red,
AC-Croze Hermitage, Northern Rhone,Rhone Valley, France 

產區/Region:AOC Cotes du Rhone

品種/Grapes:100% Syrah

酒質/Tasting Notes: 深紫紅色澤飽滿,閃爍著石榴紅酒色。 黑色莓果香氣中帶有淡淡的黑胡椒香料味,迷人的洋槐花與黑苺的愉悅香氣。 不甜、酒體中等偏重、美味、令人愉悅、結構完整無瑕是一款令人驚艷的紅葡萄酒。

Very dark reddish-purple; glints of bright garnet show when you hold the wine up to the light. Fragrant black pepper aromas add spice to black-plum fruit on the nose. Dry red, medium to full-bodied, delicious, hedonistic, flavorful, textured Cotes du Rhone is a total turn-on.

酒精濃度/ Alcohol: 13.5 %

適飲溫度/ Serving temperature: 16~18℃

建議搭配/ Food matches:適合搭配勒眼牛排、亞洲料理與貝類海鮮。

The classic antidote for young reds, a rare rib-eye steak, makes an ideal companion, bringing the wine out of its shell. And some Asian shellfish dish.

得獎紀錄/Score: ’03-Robert Parker :89 pts



酒廠 winery 發表品酒心得

    Maison M. Chapoutier 夏伯帝酒廠

    夏伯帝酒莊,早在1808年就已經是法國隆河谷地的響亮名號。1879年Polydor CHAPOUTIER開始購買葡萄樹,從此;CHAPOUTIER一路從葡萄園莊主、葡萄栽種專家、釀酒人,甚至後來搖身一變成為傑出的葡萄酒商。相傳七代,四十多歲的Michel CHAPOUTIER,對老祖宗流傳下來那一大片深植於歷史與傳統裡的優良葡萄園地,同樣充滿無限的熱忱。在Michel的領導之下,CHAPOUTIER在隆河谷地有非常顯赫的地位,是家頂尖的酒商;擁有許多當地最優良的葡萄園地,包括在Hermitage地區三個獨立的葡萄園地: Le Pavillon, Le Méal, L‘Ermite。
    而就像隆河谷地境內許多中大規模的葡萄酒商,除了自家擁有的獨立莊園外,CHAPOUTIER也會向其他的葡萄農購買葡萄果實原料,釀製的酒款代表了隆河谷地多樣的產區特色,既豐富又齊全。另外,他們的葡萄酒生意也跨足其他法國南部地區,甚至遠在澳洲南部也設置一間酒莊。因為熱愛葡萄樹、葡萄酒,並意識到尊敬大地以及它週遭的自然環境與歷史人文傳統的重要性,90年代中期,酒莊選擇用自然動力法種植葡萄,並且將『點字』運用在所有的M. CHAPOUTIER酒標標示上。

    The name CHAPOUTIER is present in the Rhône Valley since 1808. In 1879, the distant ancestor Polydor CHAPOUTIER was the first to begin to buy vines, thus moving from the status of wine-grower of an estate to that of a viticulturist, a wine producer and a businessman. The pioneering spirit was already present in the family. Seven generations later we find Michel, forty something, with a real passion for the expression of soils, at the head of this exceptional vineyard firmly anchored in history and traditions. This young, determined man, opting for breakaway solutions, has succeeded in combining the past with daring and creativity. From this union stems the wealth and generosity of the maison M.CHAPOUTIER. Love for vines and wine and the awareness of the need to respect the earth and its terroir have led the Maison M. CHAPOUTIER to adopt a biodynamic cultivation method. The expression of an assertive, confident personality, Braille has been present since 1996 on all M. CHAPOUTIER labels. Far from being anecdotic, this symbol draws its origin from the very history of the Hermitage vineyard. Maurice Monier de La Sizeranne, owner of the plot of the Hermitage, la Sizeranne, is also the inventor of the first version of abbreviated Braille. The trademark pays tribute to this man but also expresses the desire to reach out to and include all people with sight-impairments, lovers of good wines.


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