

喬瑟夫杜茵酒廠 薄酒萊村莊紅酒
JOSEPH DROUHIN Beaujolais Villag

原價:$ 1090/瓶



Joseph Drouhin Beaujolais Village, Burgundy, France

產區/Region:AC- Beaujolais Village, Burgundy


酒質/Tasting Notes: 閃亮紫紅色澤,果香濃郁帶有紫羅蘭與苺果香氣,絲質般口感柔順,果香豐富迷人,餘韻綿長,在法國是酒吧及咖啡館最普及之餐酒。
  A muddled wine with herbal flavors and aromas, through there is still some appealing berry flavors and a spicy finish.

酒精濃度/ Alcohol: %

適飲溫度/ Serving temperature: 16~18℃

建議搭配/ Food matches:牛排、羊排、紅燒雞肉、起士等口味較重之食物。  It is excellent served as an aperitif or with seafood, such as oysters, sea shells (of course !) and fish.



酒廠 winery 發表品酒心得

    喬瑟夫杜茵酒廠 Joseph Drouhin 

    自創始人Joseph Drouhin先生到現在第四代的Frederic J. Drouhin先生,皆以建立良好的酒廠聲譽,並忠實地採用固有傳統釀造方法為其不變的理念。除了為夏布利特級莊園組織Union des Grands Crus de Chablis﹙U. G. C. C.﹚當中一員外,喬瑟夫杜茵酒廠也是Premium Familiae Vini (P. F. V.) 長春藤酒莊11家酒廠之一;並於2006年令人矚目的Judgment of Paris巴黎審判品酒會,新年份的白酒評比當中,以總和297的高分榮獲評選第二名! 
    Since 1880, Maison Joseph Drouhin has built a reputation for wines that primarily reflect their individual terroir and vintage. Faithfully preserving the individuality of each appellation, the Drouhin firm constantly strives for wines of breed, finesse and elegance. A balance of tradition and modern techniques characterizes Joseph Drouhin winemaking and vineyard management: on site nursery, plowing, leaf removal, 100% hand harvesting, open fermenters, fermenting and aging in oak.
    As a result of its historic location deep in the heart of Beaune, the quality of its vineyards and the expertise resulting from years of experience in the cultivation of vines and traditional vinification, Maison Joseph Drouhin is uniquely placed to uphold authentic Burgundian style.
    Starting with Joseph Drouhin, who founded Maison Joseph Drouhin over a century ago, a great estate has evolved with important holdings in Côte de Beaune, Côte de Nuits, Chablis and, most recently, Oregon.


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