

卡賽瑞酒廠 特級紅酒
CACERES Red Crianza

原價:$ 690/瓶



CACERES Red Crianza,Rioja, Spain 


品種/Grapes:85% Tempranillo, 15% Garnacha Tinta and Graciano

酒質/Tasting Notes: 葡萄在頂級法國製橡木桶中陳年15-18個月,裝瓶後繼續在酒窖中蘊藏至少1年半後才發行全世界。紅寶石明亮色澤,鮮活的花香帶有淡淡野苺與香草,口感新鮮、結構良好,酒體細緻均衡,帶出滑順丹寧與複雜而深遠的餘韻。 
Crianza red wines are aged in oak barrels for 12 monthes and then in bottle for at least 14 months, depending on the date of release. Bright, ruby red colour. Lively bouquet with notes of red fruit (wild strawberries morello) seasoned by slightly spiced sweet vanilla deriver from ageing in choice oak barrels, Fresh and fleshy in the mouth with a delicious balance between full fruit and smooth tannins that delight the palate whilst rebealing great complexity and length.

酒精濃度/ Alcohol: 13.5 %

適飲溫度/ Serving temperature: 16~18℃

建議搭配/ Food matches:非常適合搭配地中海料理、油炸類食物、燒烤蔬菜及飯類料理、義大利麵、蕃茄於料理、火腿、各式牛肉及中等以上口味起士。 A perfect accompaniment to Mediterranean cuisine, fried food, grilled vegetables, pulses, paella and other rice dishes, pasta, fish in tomato sauce, ham, chorizo, pte, beef (roast, stewed or grilled) and cheese (mild or medium matured).



酒廠 winery 發表品酒心得


    Rioja產區最具傳奇性的酒莊Marques de Caceres,是公認當世最棒的葡萄家族之一,對Rioja產區而言,佔有相當的歷史地位,Enrique Forner於於1970創立,Forner同時也是波爾多的La Rose-Trintaudon和Chateau Camensac酒莊主人,並把現代化的不鏽鋼發酵槽及儲存桶帶進了Rioja。由於西班牙內戰的關係,Forner家族第三代曾搬離西班牙落腳法國,並在法國建立葡萄種植及釀酒事業。及後在內戰結束,佛朗哥政權結束後返回西班牙。 由於Forner家族擁有在波爾多的實際釀酒經驗,完全以人工採收,只精挑細選於區域內葡萄莊園,頂級且向陽坡上的葡萄。因此Marques de Caceres的發展相當迅速,不管在國內外,都是Rioja葡萄酒的領導品牌。目前Forner家族的釀酒事業已傳至第四代。行銷世界五十餘國,深受西班牙皇室喜愛的Marques de Caceres出產的紅白酒,更在2000年時被西班牙全國消費者票選為品質第一名的葡萄酒。
      Founded in 1970 in the heart of Rioja Alta, Marques de Caceres has been the pioneer of modern style Rioja wines with intense colour, rich fruit and delicious tannins. Marques de Caceres was established in the early 1970s by Enrique Forner, who previously owned a Chateau in Bordeaux. The bodega owns no vineyards and sources all its grapes from established local growers. Guru oenologist Michel Rolland is a consultant, and this is one of the most progressive producers in the region. Both the reds and whites are very judiciously oaked with the emphasis being on fresh, fruit-dominated wines that are delicious in youth. The exceptions are the Reserva and the Gran Reserva, which are more traditionally made and can be cellared for up to 10 years following the vintage.


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