

哈特酒莊 匹斯堡村莊黃金滴露園 麗絲玲奧斯樂斯甜白酒
REINHOLD HAART Piesporter Goldtropfchen Riseling Auslese

原價:$ 2500/瓶



-匹斯堡村莊黃金滴露園 麗絲玲奧斯樂斯甜白酒 

Piesporter Goldtropfchen Riseling Auslese,
Mosel-Saar-Ruwer, Germany 


品種/Grapes:100% Riesling

酒質/Tasting Notes: Theo 形容2007年份是個夢幻年份! 除了猶如夏季的四月天,讓葡萄樹的芽苞較往常提早發芽, 九、十月氣候絕佳,呈現溫暖的白天以及涼爽的夜晚,從結果到收成足足比平均的一百天多了三十天,讓葡萄果實能夠充分的發展出果實風味。金黃色的外觀,成熟豐富如水蜜桃、萊姆的果香,也有蜂蜜的芳香。酒體豐盈,酒質細膩滑順,帶點板岩的礦物質氣味,喝起來很圓潤,餘韻縈繞口中許久。
It starts with the most beautiful golden colour, so very shiny and rich. The nose was rich too, but by no means overwhelming: juicy peach, pear, herbs, mineral and lemon were blended very nicely with a hint of menthol. The peach-pleasure continued on the tongue with some of the most well-defined, juicy peach I have tasted, enhanced by caramel and a splash of grapefruit. It is very well rounded, smooth as a baby's behind and still fresh because of the lively (though not overly strong) lemony acidity. It also has a very pleasant finish that fills your mouth with peach and ends with caramel notes, menthol and a tiny hint of chilli to balance everything.

酒精濃度/ Alcohol: 8.5 %

適飲溫度/ Serving temperature: 6~8℃

建議搭配/ Food matches:各式甜點與水果等。



酒廠 winery 發表品酒心得


    哈特酒莊為德國一家有非常古老歷史的家族酒莊,位於德國葡萄酒精華產區 Mosel-Saar-Ruwer。自1337年 Haart 家族就在 Piesport 種植葡萄,而且 600多年來本酒莊一直由該家族經營,是本地歷史最悠久的釀酒世家。酒莊地居 Piesport 村莊,就位在世界知名的葡萄園  "Goldtröpfchen(德文「黃金滴露」之意)" 的下方,緊鄰著 Mosel 河岸。雖然是家老酒莊,但是現任莊主 Theo Haart 是很有求新求變精神的人,而且擁有對葡萄酒的熱情和專業。他在過去十多年來陸續購入一些優良的葡萄園,讓旗下的葡萄園面積有倍數的成長(雖然總共也僅有6.7公頃)。

    哈特酒莊的葡萄園最精彩的當數 "Piesporter Goldtröpfchen",這個頁岩土壤的陡峭葡萄園是德國聞名於世的名園之一,從十八世紀中葉這裡就只種植 Riesling 這個德國最尊貴的葡萄品種,所以說到這個葡萄園就會讓人想起最優良的 Riesling 白酒;此園出產的酒以豐富的果香濃郁的酒質和長期陳年實力著稱,而本酒莊竟擁有廣達 3公項的面積!為了追求品質和傳統,本酒莊的葡萄園全部種植 Riesling 品種,這些 Riesling 都是樹齡很老的老樹。種植上運用了有機耕作、生物防治法等,暨符合環保也讓葡萄品質更優良,但是產量相當低。葡萄採收時的成熟度都比法定標準要高許多;全部人工進行收成,對採收的葡萄可以做最嚴格的篩選。

    由於其卓越的品質,哈特酒莊的酒在世界各地有很多支持者,因此出口量佔了年產量的四分之三之多,日本和美國佔了相當大的比重。所有德國葡萄酒的有關刊物和指南都將本酒莊評為 Mosel產區最優良的酒莊之一。像德國葡萄酒的知名評鑑:《German Wine Guide》一書,就給予本酒莊 Excellent 級的優良評價。
    Weingut Reinhold Haart lies only a few meters from the Mosel, on the romantic, peaceful Ausonius riverbank. Immediately behind the family's house, the Piesporter Goldtröpfchen vineyard begins its uphill climb, and only a few steps from the house are the remains of the first and oldest Roman grape pressing house that has been unearthed along the Mosel. It and another ancient pressing facility in the vicinity bear witness to fact that steep-site viticulture has played a significant role in Piesport and environs for nearly 2,000 years.  The Haart family's viticultural tradition has been documented since 1337. The Haarts are probably Piesport's oldest wine-growing family, as well as one of the oldest private wine estates in the entire Mosel region. Today's Weingut Reinhold Haart stems from these traditional, family beginnings. At present, the VDP estate numbers among the best in the Mosel region. Karl-Theo Haart has managed the estate since 1971 and has stamped its structure and wine style ever since. His wife Edith and son Johannes are also active members of this family team. With its 7.5 ha (18.5 acres) of vineyards - exclusively in steep sites - the estate is committed to the best of what the Mosel has to offer: Riesling. Particularly careful vineyard management and consistent efforts to reduce yields through stringent pruning and bunch pruning are essential to steep-site production of high-quality, long-lived Riesling wines that are full of character. The portfolio specializes in a broad range of distinctive wines with a natural, fruity sweetness and great aging potential. Thanks to cool fermentation with natural yeasts, the wines are extraordinarily fresh even many years after bottling.


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