

艾絲瑪拉達酒廠 “火焰之舞”喜若、瑪爾貝克紅酒
ESMERALDA Malambo Shiraz Malbec

原價:$ 370/瓶



ESMERALDA Malambo Shiraz Malbec,
Mendoza, Argentina

產區/Region: Mendoza

品種/Grapes: 60% Shiraz, 40% Malbec

酒質/Tasting Notes:結合喜若與瑪爾貝克兩種葡萄品種,酒色亮麗如深紫羅蘭色澤,帶點胡椒味以及洋溢芳香的黑莓味。口感中帶有豐富的梅子、黑加崙。餘韻悠長,帶著甜美討喜的單寧後韻。Malambo是阿根廷男子的傳統風俗舞蹈,也是當地男性的社交舞,由腳踏地所發出如鼓聲般韻律感的節奏,藉此贏得心儀對象芳心的舞蹈,因其舞姿熱切如火,又稱"火焰之舞"。而此款葡萄酒如其名,熱情奔放且香氣濃郁。
It combines with two grape varieties- Shiraz and Malbec. All the skill of a true Gaucho goes into making this expressive, ripe and soft Argentinean red. Malambo embodies the spirit and freedom of the famous Gauchos (cowboys) of Argentina, it's about rhythm and passion.The Gaucho performs an age old courtship dance to the beat of a drum with the aim of bedazzling his love and winning her heart through his skill as a dancer. The same passion is used in the creation of these excellent blends.

酒精濃度/ Alcohol:13%

適飲溫度/ Serving temperature:16-18°

建議搭配/ Food matches:羊腿、羊肋、燒烤紅肉、鮮蔬燉牛肉、烤竹筴魚或中國料理。



酒廠 winery 發表品酒心得

    艾絲瑪拉達酒廠 ESMERALDA

     艾絲瑪拉達酒廠由Juan Fernández所創立,酒廠命名來是為了紀念他親愛的女兒Esmeralda Fernández,她是家中四個兄弟中唯一的女孩。酒廠在當地歷史悠久,為主要的葡萄酒釀造/出口廠商,且一直以來都以其現代化設備、系統化流程、持續擴大質量生產力為名。酒廠內有最新的科技化設備,包含不銹鋼桶、氣動壓力機、壓榨機器、及幫浦系統等。除此之外,該酒莊亦常與業界菁英釀酒師和顧問保持密切合作。
    Bodegas Esmeralda was founded by Don Juan Fernández. The estate was named in honour of Don Juan's daughter, Esmeralda Fernández, the only woman amongst four brothers.Located in Junin, it is one of the oldest wineries in the area and one of the mayor producers / exporters of the region. In fact, it has become an icon of the winemaking industry due to its fine modern equipment, systematic work and sustained growth in terms of volume and quality. Bodegas Esmeralda is equipped with the latest technology, including stainless steel tanks, pneumatic presses and modern crusher/destemmers and pumping systems. In addition, an ambitious plan was implemented to upgrade the barrel storage facilities, importing French an American oak barrels from the finest cooperages in the world.Bodegas Esmeralda works closely with prestigious winemaker / consultants.



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