

羅賓諾酒廠 狂想曲甜白氣泡酒
DANTE ROBINO Capriccio Sweet Sprakling

原價:$ 650/瓶Bottle

BODEGA DANTE ROBINO Capriccio Sweet Sprakling,
Menodoza, Argantina

產區/Region: Menodoza

品種/Grapes: 100% Torrontes

酒質/Tasting Notes: 狂想曲 (Capriccio) 甜白氣泡酒是一款天然甜味的氣泡酒,使用大糟法(Charmat method)釀造,於發酵過程中,中止發酵並殘留60克的糖,此為酒中甜味的來源。金黃色酒體,帶有花香和檸檬水果香氣,口感新鮮、氣泡細膩,是款百搭且易飲的酒款。

Capriccio is a naturally sweet sparkling wine, made with 100% torrontés grapes. During the process, fermentation is stopped to get 60 gr. residual sugar, which results in a low  alcohol, 8.5 % naturally sweet sparkling wine. Golden yellow, with floral and citric fruity aromas. In the mouth it is fresh, aromatic and delicate.

酒精濃度/ Alcohol:7%

適飲溫度/ Serving temperature: 6~8°C

建議搭配/ Food matches:各種慶祝場合或搭配點心。



酒廠 winery 發表品酒心得

    羅賓諾酒廠 Bodega Dante Robino
    建於1920年,坐落於門多薩產區的心臟地帶Perdriel區Lujan deCuyo。在安第斯山脈的山腳下,有獨特的風景環繞,酒廠是藝術和迷人的釀酒之旅“洛杉磯卡米尼奧斯維諾”(“葡萄酒之路”)的一部分,並歡迎遊客來自世界各地。參觀但丁羅賓諾酒廠會發現這個重要的酒莊並享受到在酒廠生產的優質起泡葡萄酒,這種做法在在國內是第二個。 
    的起源。400公頃20年以上的耕地,老藤彌補酒莊珍貴的傳統品種。我們的葡萄酒忠實於各自風土,如葡萄園方位、高度、深度和土壤成分、氣候此外,恩特雷里奧斯OTROS。葡萄園位於Perdriel,阿格雷洛和Ugarteche,在歷史和盧漢庫約德系AQUI連接的Santa Rosa和巴蘭卡,邁普。這兩個部門,形成了著名的“一區”(第一區)門多薩。在此Tupungato和La CONSULTA(在著名的合眾谷)的葡萄園都位於朝向靠近美麗的安第斯山脈以西。這些地區的特殊地理特點,加上我們現代農藝措施,使我們能夠獲取每個葡萄園的最高質量的潛力。
    Bodega Dante Robino, which was founded in 1920, is located in the heart of viticultural Mendoza, in Perdriel district, Lujan de Cuyo department. At the foot of the Andes and surrounded by unique landscape, the winery is part of the attractive artistic and oenological tour "Los Caminos del Vino" ("The Wine Route") and welcomes tourists from all over the world. Visiting Dante Robino means discovering and enjoying one of the most important wineries, which currently leads the production of quality sparkling wines in the region and is the second exporter in this category in the country.
    Besides its modern and functional architecture, Dante Robino offers technology to the service of quality and innovation, with the result of a wide range of products for the new demanding consumers. The winery can produce 9 million liters, 50 % of which are used in the production of sparkling wines and the rest to produce still wines. Its productive capacity is based on reinforced concrete tanks covered with epoxy and stainless steel tanks, which can hold from 5,000 to 35,000 liters. All the winery production is supported by GMP (Good manufacturing practices) and HACCP (Hazard analysis and critical control points) norms. GMP is applied in food manipulation processes while HACCP is a tool designed to prevent and control health risks during manufacturing, distribution and food consumption.
    From the beginning, Bodega Dante Robino has been devoted to the search of unique terroir, the origin of great wines. 400 cultivated hectares of about 20 yearold vines make up the winery's valuable varietal heritage. Our wines are faithful to each terroir, with different variables such as vineyard orientation, height, soil depth and composition, besides microclimate, among others. Vineyards are located in Perdriel, Agrelo
    and Ugarteche, in the historical Lujan de Cuyo departme http://www.bodegadanterobino.com/img/imgs/ nuestros.png nt and also in Barrancas and Santa Rosa, in Maipú. Both departments form the famous "Primera Zona" (First Zone) in Mendoza. The vineyards in Tupungato and La Consulta (in the prestigious Uco Valley) are located towards the west near the wonderful Andes. The exceptional geographical characteristics of these areas, together with our modern agronomic practices, allow us to get the maximum quality potential in each vineyard.


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