

德班丘酒莊 梅洛紅酒

原價:$ 650/瓶

DURBANVILLE HILLS Merlot ,W.O. Durbanville, South Africa

產區/Region:Durbanville, South Africa

品種/Grapes:100% Merlot

酒質/Tasting Notes: 強烈的寶石紅色澤。酒的口感存在於葡萄的果香和木材丹寧之芬芳並取得柔順和平衡,留下了完整的草莓尾韻, 覆盆子之紅色果實。強勁厚實的酒體。
A full-bodied, mouth-filling wine with berry fruit, rich dark chocolate and silky tannins.

酒精濃度/ Alcohol:13.4%

適飲溫度/ Serving temperature:16-22°C

建議搭配/ Food matches: 適合搭配紅肉,野味和砂鍋。An ideal companion to red meat, venison and casseroles.



酒廠 winery 發表品酒心得

    德班維爾開始為“卸馬具”(休息的地方)命名Pampoenkraal,成為一個聚會場所早期旅客,運輸乘客和當地農民的地區。 1685年,該地區的農場之一,Roosboom,如此深刻的印象海角,西蒙·范德STEL州長,他指出,這為後人。他此行的時候,第一個農民已經在繞簧地區和泛二十多年。春天成為在18世紀初流行的安息之地。旅客和從沿海將停在這裡補充水和食物供應,創造新鮮的肉牛農民需求和市場。不久,牛耕進行了補充與小麥產量。沒多久,第一個葡萄園種植,並在十年內大部分農民生產足夠的葡萄酒為自己和他們的家屬。早在1702葡萄酒的第一盈餘記錄生產者以及很可能導致該地區銷量第一的酒。這個小村莊隨著時間的推移,被命名為德班維爾在1886年。

    實際的山丘本身沒有被提及是德班維爾山,而是作為Tygerberg或“豹山”。這個名字是約當早期的普移民在十七世紀中葉被稱為小山Gevlekte Luipaartsberg(斑豹山),因為它們是由土著灌木覆蓋的山丘錯落有致的條紋效果提醒豹皮的。這個名字後來改為Tygerberg,但由於我們的產品範圍入門級葡萄酒都是由這種獨特的風景線形狀,我們選擇堅持的名字,德班維爾山,因為它最能反映波瀾壯闊的多樣性。

    Wine has been made in the Durbanville area from the end of the 17th century but it wasn’t until the late 1990s when Durbanville Hills Wines was established. Seven grape farmers and Distell agreed to build a cellar as part of a joint venture to make their own wine and today there are nine member producers.

    Durbanville began as an "outspan" (resting place) area named Pampoenkraal that became a meeting place for early travellers, transport riders and local farmers. In 1685, one of the farms in the area, Roosboom, so impressed Governor of the Cape, Simon van der Stel that he noted it for posterity. At the time of his trip, the first farmers had been in the region around the spring and the pan for over twenty years. The spring became a popular resting place during the early 18th century. Travellers to and from the coast would stop here to replenish water and food supplies, creating a demand for fresh meat and a market for cattle farmers. Soon cattle farming was supplemented with wheat production. Not long after, the first vineyards were planted and within a decade most farmers were producing enough wine for themselves and their dependants. As early as 1702 the first surplus of wine was recorded among the producers and could very well have resulted in the first sales of wine from the region. This small village developed over time and was named Durbanville in 1886.

    The actual hills themselves are not referred to as Durbanville Hills but rather as the Tygerberg or "Leopard Mountain". This name came about when the early Cape Settlers in the mid-1600s called the hills Gevlekte Luipaartsberg (Spotted Leopard Mountain) because they were reminded of leopard skin by the striped effect of the patchwork of the indigenous shrub covering the hills. This name later changed to Tygerberg, but since our range of entry level wines are shaped by this unique landscape, we chose to stick to the name, Durbanville Hills as it best reflects the magnificent diversity.


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