

VALDIVIESO Eclat Botrytis Semillon

原價:$ 1200/瓶

VALDIVIESO Eclat Botrytis Semillon, Molina Valley, Chile 

產區/Region: Curico Valley, Chile

品種/Grapes: 100% Semillon

酒質/Tasting Notes:甜美的蜂蜜葡萄柚香氣,加上一抹檸檬芬芳,多層次的口感使人感受到自然果香與均勻甜度,是支讓人心情放鬆的佳釀。
Sweet honey grapefruit aroma, with a touch of lemon fragrance,multi-level people feel the natural fruity taste and even sweetness,is supporting people feel relaxed wine.

酒精濃度/ Alcohol:12%

適飲溫度/ Serving temperature:8-10°C

建議搭配/ Food matches:

1.  Les Citalles Du Vin 2010 (Vinexpo)- Excellence Trophy
2.  Decanter World Wine Awards 2010, UK- Silver Medal
3.  (IWC) International Wine Challenge 2010,Silver Medal



酒廠 winery 發表品酒心得

    威帝偉士酒莊是智利第二古老的酒廠。Don Albert Valdivieso,一位熱情洋溢、自我要求嚴格的夢想家,遊學法國返回故鄉智利後,於1879年創立這家傳奇的酒廠。百餘年來,不斷更新技術設備,網羅各國知名釀酒師,嚴格要求每一種等級的酒都必須是最精緻釀造的,其長遠的目標,在經營酒莊品質,成為能代表智利、並名列世界上最好的優質酒莊。
    VALDIVIESO winery is the second oldest winery in Chile. Don Albert Valdivieso, an enthusiastic, self-demanding dreamer, created this legendary winery in 1879 after his study tour from France and back to Chile. More than a century, he constantly updated technology and equipment, also snared many well-known winemaker from different countries, strict requirements of each class must be the finest wine brewing, and its long-term goal iss to operate winery in quality, as representative of Chile, and the highest &  best quality wineries in the world.


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