

七橋酒廠 “薩亞”奈羅帝瓦拉紅酒
SETTE PONTI Saia Nero D'Avola

原價:$ 1500/瓶




SETTE PONTI Saia Nero D'Avola,
Sicilia I.G.T., Italy 


品種/Grapes: 100% Nero D’Avola

酒質/Tasting Notes:西西里島是義大利早期種植釀製葡萄酒的地方。90s末,Antonio Moretti先生拜訪了西西里島,看中了當地生產葡萄酒的環境,進而於2000年在西西里島東邊的Val di Noto買了葡萄園地與莊園,生產西西里葡萄酒。生產SAIA的葡萄果實取自Noto產區,葡萄園坡度約80公尺,含有許多石灰石土壤,平均樹齡20年。採收後的葡萄果實經過20天的葡萄汁液浸\皮與發酵過程,並使用法國橡木桶熟成,還會經過半年的瓶中存放。SAIA 在阿拉伯文的意思代表了西西里島當地建造了好幾個世紀,用來儲存雨水做為灌溉用的人工渠道。明亮的紅寶石色澤,柔順的香氣有黑莓、礦物質與薰衣草香。飽滿的酒體,細膩如絲綢般的單寧,餘韻細長。2006年份只有4420箱。

“Saia” is an ancient Arab word referring to small canals or viaducts built to hold water for use during the summer months. A restricted yield from Nero d’Avola vines averaging 20 years of age is hand harvested and fermentation is initiated in stainless steel tanks and lined vats, with a maceration on the skins of 15 days and regular punching down of the cap. A full malolactic fermentation is followed by 15 months in French oak barriques, of which half are new and half of one year’s use. Four months in bottle precede release. Saia is opaque deep violet in color with aromas of dark and bitter red cherry, spearmint, spice and oak nuances. These lead into a velvety palate of lush, exotically concentrated fruit balanced by a fine acidic underpinning and ripe, sweet tannins. The long, penetrating finish ends on notes of wood, spice and pepper.

酒精濃度/ Alcohol: 14%

適飲溫度/ Serving temperature: 16~20°C

建議搭配/ Food matches:適合搭配烤肉、肉醬料理

得獎紀錄/Score: Wine Spectator:92 ptsVini d’Italia 2009:3 bicchieri


酒廠 winery 發表品酒心得

     七橋酒廠 Tenuta Sette Ponti

    Tenuta Sette Ponti,座落於義大利托斯卡尼中部的奇揚第(Toscana Chianti)葡萄酒產區,在優美古城Arezzo西北邊15哩的地方。Sette Ponti,指的就是從Arezzo到Florence沿途經過Arno河的七座橋。1957年,建築師Alberto Moretti先生從皇室家族手中買下了750公頃的牧場莊園,也種植葡萄轉賣當地的葡萄酒商;如今莊園依舊是Moretti家族所擁有,由他兒子Antonio Moretti接掌管理。學生時代主修經濟與銀行相關的Antonio,是位傑出的生意人,他除了經營服裝連鎖商店,還收購了以生產精緻皮革聞名的Arfango,以及兩個手工製鞋的品牌Bonora與Carshoe。為了追隨自己對葡萄酒的熱愛,1997年,Antonio決心重整家族所擁有的葡萄園,還請來了義大利知名的釀酒大師,Carlo Ferrini以及他的助理Gioia Cresti,開始生產自家品牌的酒。 超過20多年的酒界工作經驗,Carlo Ferrini不僅在Consorzio Chianti Classico (Chianti Classico釀酒協會) 提供釀酒技術上的指導,他更是許多知名托斯卡尼酒廠的首席顧問。結合了知名法國葡萄栽種專家Gilbert Bouvet,農業專家Benedetto  d’Anna兩位的技術,共同為Sette Ponti努力。Sette Ponti 擁有共158公頃,分布在四個不同區塊的葡萄園 (Vigna dell’Impero、Vigna di Pallino vineyard、Sorbaccio vineyard、Salverece vineyard),種植了70% Sangiovese、15% Merlot以及15% Cabernet Sauvignon等葡萄品種。其中,將近一半的葡萄樹是種植於1935年,其餘新栽種於1996年。所有的葡萄園都是面南或東南方,平均高度於海平面200-300公尺間。1999年,Moretti收購了托斯卡尼西南方靠海的新星葡萄酒產區,Maremma裡115公頃的Poggio al Lupo(號稱狼丘)莊園,在28公頃的葡萄園裡種植了Cabernet Sauvignon及Merlot。 2002年,Moretti另外收購了西西里島南部的Feudo Maccari莊園,主要種植如Nero d’Avola的當地葡萄品種。  1998 Crognolo是Tenuta Sette Ponti第一支品牌酒款,以Sangiovese葡萄品種為主,加入了少許的Merlot葡萄品種,是款著重於突顯葡萄果實特色的酒款。緊接著,Oreno混合比較高比例的Merlot、Cabernet Sauvignon以及Sangiovese,是款較為國際間所熟知的混合型酒款,一面市就立刻打破大部分人對傳統奇揚第產區酒的印象,更是一支連續兩度進入Wine Spectator雜誌百大評鑑酒款前十名的酒款。Antonio Moretti雖然不擅長於釀酒,但他成功扮演了經營管理者的角色,聘請專家團隊,讓他們發揮各自所長,已經讓Tenuta Sette Ponti成為國際酒界中耀眼亮麗的新興酒莊,Wine Spectator與Decanter常常都有他們的相關報導。
      The name comes from the number of bridges that cross the Arno river between Florence and Arezzo. The Moretti family began cultivating the vineyards back in 1957: it wasn’t until 1997 when Antonio Moretti, Alberto’s son, leader of a group of fashion and luxury industries, decided to follow his passion and bottle the wine under his own label.  The first vintage was “Crognolo” 1998, followed by “Oreno” in 1999, two wines that have, in a very short time, become symbols of the great oenological vocation of the Arezzo area and Tuscany in general. At Tenuta Sette Ponti not only are great wines produced in the beautiful setting of fields cultivated with corn and sunflowers. Also, in harmony with the age old regional traditions, Chianina cattle, famous for the “bistecca alla fiorentina”,  Cinta Senese, a rare breed of pigs, and Polo ponies are bred. The oldest vineyard at Tenuta Sette Ponti was commissioned by His Royal Highness Amedeo Duke of Aosta, in 1935, in order to commemorate the victory at Abyssinia and thus called the “Vigna dell’Impero” (Vineyard of the Empire). The vineyard measures three hectares, was terraced by hand and is cultivated mainly with Sangiovese.


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