

金凱勒酒廠 黑皮諾粉紅冰酒 375ml
KESSLER-ZINK Pinot Noir Eiswein

原價:$ 1280/瓶

德國-金凱勒酒廠-萊茵黑森產區-黑皮諾粉紅冰酒 375ml 
KESSLER-ZINK Pinot Noir Eiswein, Deutscher Pradikatswein Eiswein, Rheinhessen, Germany 375ml


品種/Grapes:100% Pinot Noir

酒質/Tasting Notes: 粉紅色澤稍帶黃色反光,擁有細緻的紅色水果如草莓、覆盆子香氣,中度的酒體及甜度中有優質且均衡的酸度,飽滿但不膩口,草莓果香及花蜜自喉中散發,非常耐喝且細緻;在餐後或餐前飲用都非常適合。
Pink color slightly with yellow reflection, with detailed red fruits such as strawberry, raspberry aroma.  Medium-bodied, excellent sweetness with balanced acidity, but not greasy. Full of strawberry fruit and nectar exudes, meticulous to drink; Suitable for before or after meals.

酒精濃度/ Alcohol: 11.5%

適飲溫度/ Serving temperature: 5~8℃

建議搭配/ Food matches:



酒廠 winery 發表品酒心得

    德國萊因黑森 (Rheinhessen) 的小鎮芙蓉瀚 (Flonheim) 裡有個美麗的古老磨坊;1990 年史都茲 (Stutz) 家族買下後把磨坊改建成一個現代化釀酒廠,成為金凱勒酒廠 (Kessler Zink) ,以家族事業共同協力經營,並在附近郊區開始努力不懈栽培耕作共35公頃的自有葡萄園,在釀造方面兼容傳統工法及使用最現代的設備控管,目標是產出優質、價位合理且深具產區特色的優質葡萄酒。
    German Rheinhessen town Flonheim where there is a beautiful old mill;  year 1990 Stutz family bought the mill and turned into a modern brewery, and become Kessler Zink, to jointly work together to run the family business, and in the nearby suburb of planting efforts began farming 35 hectares of its own vineyards, compatible in terms of the traditional brewing methods and the use of the most modern industrial equipment control, the goal is to output high-quality, the price is reasonable and the deep areas of the characteristics of quality wines.



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