

露飛諾酒廠 利百歐夏多內白酒
RUFFINO Libaio Chardonnay Toscana Bianco

原價:$ 630/瓶




RUFFINO Libaio Chardonnay Toscana Bianco,
Tuscany I.G.T., Italy 


產區/Region:Tuscana I.G.T. (La Solatia Estate)

品種/Grapes: 100% Chardonnay

酒質/Tasting Notes:此款酒名是爲了紀念一個小山谷的發現而命名。全程在不繡鋼桶中發酵熟成。表現出濃郁風味、易飲,明亮的黃色夾雜著些許綠色,洋溢成熟果香與花香,帶有大量Chardonnay果味,餘韻爽口宜人,比很多新世界的夏多內來得清淡爽口。  連續7年獲得Wine Spectator”最值得購買”及”最有價值”葡萄酒。
The name of the wine has been inspired by a small creek found on the estate. Libaio is fermented and refined in stainless steel tanks. It is characterised by a refreshingly fragrant impact and it is pleasantly easy to drink. Libaio has received numerous international rewards, also because of its excellent quality/price relationship. For 6 years in a row this wine has been selected as "best buy" or "best value" by the American wine magazine Wine Spectator.

酒精濃度/ Alcohol: 12.5%

適飲溫度/ Serving temperature: 10~12°C

建議搭配/ Food matches: 可搭配西式亞洲式海鮮,或白肉類料理。

得獎紀錄/Score:October 2006: Wine Spectator:"best Italian white wine buy" for the seventh vintage

’05--November 2006: "Almanacco del Berebene" Italy (the annual Gambero Rosso best
buy wine guide):an Oscar


酒廠 winery 發表品酒心得

    露飛諾酒廠 Ruffino

    在20世紀,擁有深遠歷史的露飛諾酒廠已是義大利酒高品質的象徵。 在數十年前,酒廠釀酒師以爲其釀造酒的哲學訂定兩大方針,即是葡萄酒的品質與生產葡萄酒的風土條件。酒廠致力於樹立義大利酒在世界上的優良形象與地位,秉持熱誠供應世界各地對於托斯卡尼地區葡萄酒的愛好者最優質的葡萄酒。路飛諾捷安提紅酒是跨越義大利產區被介紹到世界各地的眾多酒之ㄧ,其次則是杜卡爾金牌精選捷安提紅酒。 目前銷售廣至五大洲,85個國家,路飛諾酒廠在義大利酒當中穩居領先第地位。
    With its long history , Ruffino is a living symbol of  the quality progress which the entire Italian wine sector has undertaken through the twentieth Century. Ruffino's production philosophy is based on two leading concepts: the quality of its wines and the expression of the territories where these wines are produced - a winemaking art which Ruffino has refined through the decades.  With the desire to bring the best quality the Tuscan territory has to offer to wine lovers all over the world, Ruffino has contributed significantly to the creation of the fine image which Italian winemaking holds on the international wine scene today.  Chianti Ruffino, followed by Riserva Ducale, was one of the very first wines to cross the Italian border and introduce Italian wine to the world. Present in over 85 countries covering 5 continents, Ruffino is an international leader of great wines "Made in Italy"!


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