

塔巴莉酒莊 精選黑皮諾紅酒
TABALI Reserva Pinot Nior

原價:$ 980/瓶


智利-塔巴莉酒莊-利馬里山谷產區 精選黑皮諾紅酒

TABALI Reserva Pinot Nior, D.O. Limari Valley, Chile

產區/Region:Limari Valley, Chile

品種/Grapes:100% Pinot Noir

酒質/Tasting Notes:深且透亮的寶紅色,有成熟飽滿紅色水果如紅李、草莓、覆盆子及香草的集中香氣。口感飽滿紮實,單寧結構完整且集中,良好酸度帶出非常均衡的平衡度,尾韻具有舒服的果香及酸度。
Fresh and elegant, this cool climate Pinot Noir comes from our limestone-clay soils in Limarí. In the mouth is rich and round, full of cherry and raspberry flavours, with soft spiciness and nice acidity.

酒精濃度/ Alcohol:13.5%

適飲溫度/ Serving temperature: 16-22°C

建議搭配/ Food matches: 



酒廠 winery 發表品酒心得

    Limari Valley 距離首都聖地牙哥北方約 400 公里,接近 Atacama 沙漠的南方邊緣,有一處神秘而古老,被當地人稱為“魔力之谷“ (Valle del Encanto) 的地方,是智利原住民傳承自祖先智慧與文化的重要國家級古跡之地。白天的陽光與晚上來自海上的冷涼溫度讓葡萄有極優良的環境成熟,而古老白堊紀岩層及黏土質土壤讓葡萄酒中具有非常美好的礦石及草本植物風味。
          1993 年,Tabali 酒莊在這個充滿先民文化的谷地中開始種植葡萄,致力於釀造均衡、具風土條件的高品質酒款,以魔力之谷中由 Molle 族所留下的石版雕刻圖案為標誌,具有非常鮮明色彩及喚起先人智慧的精神,採用最先進的釀酒及土質分析技術,產出一款款不可多得的佳釀;不僅在智利當地最具指標性的指南- Guia de Vinos de Chile 2010中囊括許多重要大獎,更是在國際級的比賽或酒評間得到極高的評價!全美國最重要的酒類雜誌 Wine & Spirits 也在2009 年選為“最超值的酒莊” (Top valued brand of the year).

    Limari Valley us about 400 km north of the capital Santiago, near the southern edge of the Atacama desert, there is a mysterious and ancient place, known locally as "Magic Valley" (Valle del Encanto) where Chilean indigenous inherited from ancestors with important national monuments of wisdom & culture. Day time sunshine and cool temperatures from the sea at night so that the grapes have a very good environment, mature, and old Cretaceous rocks and clay soils make the wine has very good ore and herbs flavor.
    1993, Tabali wineries in the valley which full of cultural ancestors began growing grapes, dedicated brewing balanced, high-quality wines to the valley of the magic of the family left behind by Molle lithographic engravings marked with very vivid colors and evoke the spirit of the ancestors of wisdom, using the most advanced wine and soil analysis, yielding a leisurely rare wines; not only won the most indicative of the Chilean local guide - Guia de Vinos de Chile 2010 of many important awards, but also got a high rating in international level competitions or wine critic! America's most important wine magazine - Wine & Spirits also selected as the "best value wine" (Top valued brand of the year) in 2009.


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