

露飛諾酒廠 不甜波西可氣泡酒
RUFFINO Prosecco Extra Dry

售價:$ 790/瓶Bottle

IT1IRF0071 / 8001660198351
義大利-露飛諾酒廠-威尼托 波西可產區D.O.C.

RUFFINO Prosecco Extra Dry,
Prosecco D.O.C., Veneto, Italy

產地/Region:    Veneto

品種/Grapes:100% Prosecco

酒質/Tasting Notes:經過篩選的Prosecco葡萄,使用傳統白酒釀造法。發酵方式為夏馬槽法,用特選酵母在加壓槽中進行自然的二次發酵為期約1個月,產生細緻的氣泡並保留Prosecco品種獨特的果香。


The selected grapes of Prosecco undergo a traditional white wine vinification. Then the wine undergo the Charmat Method, which consists in a natural re-fermentation in pressurized tanks using selected yeasts. This process, lasting approx. one month, provides refined bubbles and preserves the fruity aromas typical of the Prosecco varietal.
Color: Bright straw yellow with fine bubbles.
Aroma: The bouquet is fragrant and intensely fruity. It shows clean notes of apples, pears and citrus, accompanied
Tasting profile: Crisp, clean and delicate with fine bubble caressing the palate. Intense sensations of apples and peaches drive a pleasant aftertaste, that is reminiscent of fruity and floral aromas.

酒精濃度/ Alcohol:11 %

適飲溫度/ Serving temperature:6-10℃

建議搭配/ Food matches: 可作為餐前酒,也可搭配多種料理,例如比薩、魚類和貝類以及白肉料理。年輕時飲用最佳

Ideal as an aperitif; it is very versatile as a food companion. Ruffino Prosecco perfectly matches with pizza, fish and shellfish dishes as well as white meat dishes. Best when young.




酒廠 winery 發表品酒心得

    RUFFINO -露飛諾酒廠
    自從1913年露飛諾之策略訂為品質控制葡萄栽種直至裝瓶為止,為此佛朗拉里-露飛諾家族成員們以收購酒莊為優先, 再加以改善為現代化設備, 以生產特別的莊園葡萄酒。到了今天從泥土開始進行酒質控制的目的, 可從露飛諾莊園葡萄酒中體驗其成果, 這幾款由家族擁有之莊園葡萄酒並成了露飛諾葡萄酒系列之珠寶。
    露飛諾在托斯卡尼之莊園接近四千英畝, 成為托斯卡尼最重要的酒廠之一,  因為托斯卡尼的地形是由山坡、山谷所組成, 遍佈地中海樹林, 可用做葡萄園之面積極為有限(約一仟二百英畝),  另有兩百英畝以用做種植橄欖樹。

    Since 1913, RUFFINO's strategy set for quality control of grapes planted until bottling date, therefore RUFFINO family members to acquire the winery as a priority, coupled with improvements to the modern equipment to produce special wine estate. The purpose of today from the soil to start wine quality control, can experience the results from the RUFFINO wine estate, which several family-owned wine estate and wine become the RUFFINO jewelry series.

    RUFFINO in Tuscany close to four thousand acres of the estate, becoming one of the most important wineries in Tuscany. Because of the terrain is composed of hills, valleys composed throughout the Mediterranean woods, can do grapes the garden area is very limited (about one thousand two hundred acres), and another two hundred acres to be used as planting olive trees.


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