

杜瓦樂華酒廠 巴黎彩繪瓶不甜香檳
DUVAL-LEROY Collection Paris Brut

售價:$ 2900/瓶Bottle


DUVAL-LEROY Collection Paris Brut,
AC-Champagne, France NV

產區/Region:Champagne, France

品種/Grapes:Chardonnay 40%, Pinot Noir 60%

酒質/Tasting Notes:偏金的稻草黃色澤, 氣泡濃密細緻。高雅開放的香氣, 如新鮮水果、白色花卉、榛果等氣味、口感相當飽滿, 香味豐富, 味道的結構平衡;優雅細膩的餘韻頗為持久。
Partial gold straw yellow color, dense and detailed bubbles. Open elegant aroma, such as fresh fruit, white flowers, hazelnuts and other odor, taste is quite full, rich flavor, balanced flavor structure; Elegant and delicate finish is quite long-lasting.

酒精濃度/ Alcohol: 11%

適飲溫度/ Serving temperature:5-8°C

建議搭配/ Food matches:其清新的口感是作為開胃酒的理想選擇,甚至可以搭配軟質乳酪。
Its fresh taste is ideal as an aperitif, or even with the soft cheese.

Wine Spectator 評價91分
2005 Decanter World Wine Awards BRONZE 銅牌獎



酒廠 winery 發表品酒心得

    DUVAL-LEROY -杜瓦樂華酒廠
    家族世代傳承經營的 Duval-Leroy 杜瓦樂華香檳酒廠, 創於 1859 年, 座落於從天空遙望猶如一顆心的 Vertus, 一個被香檳精華產區 Cote des Blancs 白丘的葡萄園所圍繞著的小村落。旗下擁有175公頃的廣泛葡萄園面積, 豐富的釀酒資源, 是酒廠相當重要的資產之一, 更維持了杜瓦樂華香檳產品永久的品質保證與一貫性。
    1991 年, Carole Duval-Leroy女士在先生突然逝世後, 決心接手經營夫家所擁有的事業, 在她傑出的領導下, 與一百多位員工, 努力在生產釀製香檳的過程中求新求進步, 擴展原有的傳統銷售市場到世界每個角落, 豐富其下的品牌產品, Duval-Leroy杜瓦樂華香檳已成為眾所矚目的十大香檳品牌之一。

    Family-run by generations Duval-Leroy Champagne, founded in 1859, is located in Vertus which looks like a heart from sky, one small village which is surrounding by Cote des Blancs Champagne area. Owns 175 hectares of extensive vineyard area, rich wine resources, is one of the important assets of the winery, but also maintain a permanent quality assurance and product Duval-Leroy Champagne consistency.

    In 1991, Ms. Carole Duval-Leroy, after the sudden death of her husband, has decided to take over the business owned by her husband's family. With her outstanding leadership, and more than one hundred employees, novelty seeking
    efforts in the production process of brewing champagne progress and extend existing traditional sales market to every corner of the world, rich in its products under the brand, Duval-Leroy champagne has become one of the top ten brands of champagne.



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