

唐璜酒莊 夏多內白酒
DONA PAULA Los Cardos Chardonnay

原價:$ 550



-卡多斯系列 夏多內白酒

DONA PAULA Los Cardos Chardonnay,
Mendoza, Argentina


產區/Region: 70% Alto Ugarteche, Luján de Cuyo 、30% Tupungato – Mendoza


品種/Grapes: 100% Chardonnay


酒質/Tasting Notes:此款酒果香味十足及驚人的表現充分表現出當地優良的氣候與風土條件,最佳的地理位置足以生產最新鮮且果香豐富濃郁口感的夏多內白酒。 此款酒口感豐富綿長,餘韻悠長,最明顯的是沁入鼻腔中來自法國橡木桶的烤橡木及香草風味。This fruity and expressive wine reflects the great climatic and botanical characteristics of the Ugarteche and Tupungato terroirs, and particularly their ability to produce fresh white wines. These locations allow us to obtain modern wines, especially reknown for their joviality and freshness, with a great aromatic richness typical of the Chardonnay variety. On the palate the wine is large and consistent, with a great range of flavours, leaving a very pleasant finish. The very subtle note of toast and vanilla coming from brief contact with French oak adds to the complexity of the wine.

酒精濃度/ Alcohol: 13%

適飲溫度/ Serving temperature: 10~12℃

建議搭配/ Food matches: 羊腿、羊肋、燒烤紅肉、鮮蔬燉牛肉、烤竹筴魚或中國料理。


’01-Wine Spectator:83 pts
’01--Wine Access:85 pts


酒廠 winery 發表品酒心得

    Dona Paula 唐璜酒莊

    唐璜酒莊於1997年由南美洲集團Ricardo Claro購入,在財務、研發創新部份均獨立自主。 購入時,酒莊本身已有30年歷史,並且以生產有機及頂級葡萄酒為主,釀造主要以海外市場為主且價格合理的優質葡萄酒。目前由經驗豐富的釀酒師Stefano Gandolini及Matias Michelini主導整個釀酒事業,目前酒廠使用最新科技、百分之百不銹鋼桶、法國及美國橡木桶共同使用釀造。


    酒廠於Mendoza的Lujan de Cuyo及Tupungato地區擁有1878公頃的葡萄園,約3200~3400英呎的高山上。 Lujan de Cuyo葡萄園很接近安地斯山,被認為是世界上最美的葡萄園之ㄧ。 Tupungato則位於較高海拔的山上,是著名的葡萄酒產地。 這些區域都生產濃郁且具濃郁果香口感的葡萄酒。


    目前酒廠除追求新鮮與平衡的情況之下,並專注於將葡萄本身特性最佳化,全程皆採手工採收。 1999年首次收成,因當年氣候炎熱少雨的關係,造就濃郁色澤且具複雜香氣的佳釀。Ricardo Claro集團旗下尚有智利酒廠Santa Rita, Carmen, Terra Andina, Los Vascos等酒廠,都生產超值的酒款。 

    Doña Paula was founded in 1997 by the respected South American entrepreneur, Ricardo Claro. The backing of this important enterprise allows Donã Paula to establish itself as a well financed, innovative winery seeking to produce world class wines. The vineyards that were purchased by Mr. Claro are planted with 30 year old, low yielding, top quality vines. The style, quality and value ae directly focused on export markets. Great quality is offered at very reasonable prices. Winemaking is handled by the highly motivated, educated and experienced Stefano Gandolini and Matias Michelini. Doña Paula enjoys new, state-of-the-art technology, with over 1 million liters of capacity in 100% stainless steel tanks, and French and American oak barrels. Doña Paula owns 1878 acres of vineyards in the Lujan de Cuyo and Tupungato regions of Mendoza, at 3200 to 3400 feet of elevation. The Lujan de Cuyo vineyards are adjacent to the Andes Mountains and are thought by some to be among the most beautiful in the world. Tupungato is among the highest altitude terroirs of the most renowned of all wine growing regions of Argentina. These districts of Mendoza are producing intense yet elegant aromas and flavors. Vineyard management at Doña Paula emphasizes maximizing the best varietal characteristics, with extensive care taken to achieve perfect ripeness while maintaining balance and freshness. Grapes are all hand picked.


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