

皇后莊園 精選紅酒

原價:$ 800/瓶


FINCA LA EMPERATRIZ Crianza, Rioja DOCa, Spain 

產區/Region:Rioja DOCa, Spain

品種/Grapes:Tempranillo 90% Garnacha 5% Mazuelo 2.5% Viura 2.5 %

酒質/Tasting Notes:寶石紅的光澤,成熟的果味富含著李子、蜜餞、柑橘、香草等香氣,呼吸後散發出些許烤麵包和礦石的複雜氣味。單寧細緻柔美,紮實的酒體中蘊含了醇美的果香和橡木馨香,交織纏繞,餘韻撩人。
Ruby red gloss, rich with aroma of ripe plum fruit, candied fruit, citrus, vanilla, etc., after breathing exudes little toast and mineral complex odor. Tannins fine soft, solid body contains a mellow wine fruity and oak fragrance, intertwined, sultry finish.

酒精濃度/ Alcohol:13.5%

適飲溫度/ Serving temperature:18-22°C

建議搭配/ Food matches: 

Robert Parker 87分
International Wine & Spirit Competition BRONZE MEDAL


酒廠 winery 發表品酒心得

    Finca La Emperatriz -皇后酒莊,一個來自西班牙上利奧哈 (Rioja Alta) 單一葡萄園的酒廠。 Eduardo 和Victor Hemaiz 兄弟於西元2000年時買下這個十九世紀就已經開始種植葡萄樹並釀造高品質葡萄酒的酒廠,並以葡萄園註冊之名為酒廠名稱。

    La Emperatriz (The Empress) 是皇后的意思。La Emperatriz 酒標上的圖像,即是拿破崙Ⅲ世的妻子" Eugeniz de Montijo"。(拿破崙Ⅲ世在1855年時,創立法國Cru系統) 拿破崙Ⅲ世稱帝後,他的妻子 Eugeniz de Montijo 就自然成為了皇后,然而當時葡萄園為她所擁有,便以她當時的身份將葡萄園命名為 La Emperatriz。

    目前 La Emperatriz 酒莊共擁有101公頃之種植面積,其中有超過50%為50歲以上的葡萄樹(老藤),而這些葡萄樹即為 La Emperatriz酒廠得天獨厚的珍寶,如同皇后的寶藏般令人覺得尊貴重要,所釀出來的葡萄酒也是倍受珍藏。

    Finca La Emperatriz , a winery from Rioja Alta’s single vineyard in Sapin. Eduardo and Victor Hemaiz brothers bought in 2000 AD when the nineteenth century had already started planting vines and wine brewing high quality wineries, and registered as vineyard’s name.

    La Emperatriz (The Empress) is the Queen of meaning. La Emperatriz image on wine labels, that is, the wife of Napoleon Ⅲ "Eugeniz de Montijo". (Napoleon Ⅲ during 1855, the creation of the French Cru system). After Napoleon III emperor, his wife Eugeniz de Montijo would naturally become a queen, but she owned the vineyard, then to her identity named it La Emperatriz.

    Chateau La Emperatriz currently has a total of 101 hectares of cultivated area, of which more than 50% over 50 years old vines (old vines), and these are the La Emperatriz Winery unique treasures, like the Queen's treasures so important and feel valued, the wine is much precious.


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