

森喜酒莊 18K黑皮諾玫瑰粉紅氣泡酒
SENSI 18K Pinot Noir Rose Brut

原價:$ 850/瓶Bottle

IT1ESS0081 / 8002477177461

SENSI 18K Pinot Noir Rose Brut,
Veneto, Italy
(100% Pinot Noir; 11%)

產區/Region: Veneto
品種/Grapes:100% Pinot Noir
酒質/Tasting Notes:酒款是由黑皮諾製成,它閃耀著粉紅色光芒,細膩而持續的釋放氣泡,鼻子裡有濃烈的白色花朵的花瓣和草莓新鮮香氣,酸度柔順,尾韻綿長,是非常時尚的禮物精品。
Sensi 18k are the first wines in the Sensi Luxury range. A selection designed to be aspirational, innovative and top quality, these wines are where Italian wine tradition meets luxury.
Sensi 18K rosé is produced with Pinot Noir grapes and has a bright, deep and vibrant colour and a fine and persistent perlage. The aroma is fresh, pleasant and fragrant, enriched by pungent notes of white flowers and soft fruits like blackberries, raspberries and strawberries. The taste is delicate and has the perfect balance between fruit and acidity.
酒精濃度/ Alcohol: 11%
適飲溫度/ Serving temperature:6~8℃
建議搭配/ Food matches:開胃酒,海鮮、水果糕點。Ideal as a classy apéritif, it also pairs well with entrées and shellfish.

酒廠 winery 發表品酒心得

    森喜酒莊 SENSI VINI


    The Sensi Family first began business in 1895 when Pietro Sensi began taking the wine he made from his vines to the markets. Pietro’s sons, Vittorio and Armido, continued their father’s business and founded Fratelli Sensi.
    With their horse and cart the two brothers used to deliver their Chianti wine to the houses in the surrounding countryside and to the city of Florence as well.
    With the third generation, with Vittorio’s sons Pietro and Giovanni, greater focus was placed on the wine making business and the Fratelli Sensi wines became famous throughout Tuscany.
    With the fourth generation, with Massimo, Marco and Roberta, who joined the company in 1987, the Sensi name was finally consecrated on the international markets further to developing their wine making, farming and technology.
    In 2004 the company faced a difficult time when Marco died suddenly, Massimo’s brother who inherited his patrimony far too soon.
    The memory of Marco’s valuable work, and the importance of the projects that were started together with him, immediately became a great drive for the family to continue working and growing, developing further and improving the quality of the Sensi wines.
    This spirit was immediately understood by all the international operators and helped them establish some very important partnerships.




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