

威帝偉士酒莊 「癲馬」旗艦紅酒

售價:$ 2800/瓶



VALDIVIESO  Caballo Loco No.9, Central Valley, Chile

產區/Region:Central Valley


No.8 (50% 2003, 50% 1990~2002)
No.9 (50% 2004, 50% 1990~2003)
No.10 (50% 2005, 50% 1990~2004)
No.13 (50% 2008, 50% 1990~2007)

No.8 Cabernet Sauvignon, Malbec, Cabernet Franc, Merlot, Carmenere. 
No.9 Cabernet Sauvignon, Malbec, Cabernet Franc, Merlot, Carmenere. 
No.10 Cabernet Sauvignon, Malbec, Merlot, Carmenere
No.13 Cabernet Sauvignon, Malbec, Syrah , Carmenere

酒質/Tasting Notes:Caballo Loco是該酒莊葡萄酒藝術化的代表作,量少質優的頂級葡萄酒。自1995年起推出N°1,到目前已推出N°13。長年來總是被搶購一空,倫敦、波爾多酒展比賽中勇奪金牌獎的常客。Caballo Loco是Valdivieso 旗艦等級的酒款,Caballo Loco的西班牙文原意為「狂奔癲馬」,中文譯名採意境更深的「巔馬」為名,具有超越巔峰的含意。

Valdivieso´s Caballo Loco is one of Chile´s top premium red wines. Caballo Loco is the artistic creation of one of those enlightened spirits who search for uniqueness...Caballo Loco...a unique and rare breed.
While the wine does not carry a vintage, it does have a release number. Each edition is unique, containing 50% of the current vintage and 50% of the previous edition, which is kept back especially for blending.
Caballo Loco is based on selecting the best vineyards from the best areas of Chile. The wine was aged for 18 months in French (100%) oak barrels. Attractive dark red-violet colour. An intense aromatic profile dominated by ripe berry fruits, and underlayed with sweet spices. Complexity in its nose.
Full bodied and a structure with clear cellaring potential, with concentrated velvety tannins and a juicy mid palate. Sophisticated, with a long finish.
Aging Recommendations: Enjoy the concentration today or cellar for up to 12 years.

酒精濃度/ Alcohol:No.8 14%、 No.9 14.5% 、 No.10 14.5%、No.13 14.5%

適飲溫度/ Serving temperature: 16-18 ℃

建議搭配/ Food matches: 適合與肉類、烤魚與蔬菜、鴨肉、義大利麵等共飲。

得獎紀錄/Score:Monde Sélection 2007-Bruxelles, Silver Medal 


酒廠 winery 發表品酒心得

    威帝偉士酒莊  VALDIVIESO 

    Viña Valdivieso的歷史可追溯到1879年,Alberto Valdivieso先生創建Valdivieso香檳酒股份有限公司,成為南美洲汽泡酒釀造的先鋒,超過60%的市場佔有率使其成為智利最具聲望的飲料品牌。


    Viña Valdivieso dates back to 1879 when Alberto Valdivieso founded Champagne Valdivieso, the first company in Chile and South America to make sparkling wine. More than a hundred years later in the late 1980s, the company expanded in a new direction when it began commercial production of still wines, as Viña Valdivieso, in our Curicó Valley winery in Lontué.
    Valdivieso wines have since had a very successful career, triumphing in major world markets and achieving the highest honours in international competitions. These achievements are not an objective in themselves, but rather the result of the search for superior quality wines that are both distinctive and attractive.


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