

韓可酒莊 半甜氣泡酒200ml
HENKELL Trocken Dry-Sec 200ml

售價:$ 300/瓶Bottle



-半甜氣泡酒 200ml NV

HENKELL Trocken Dry-Sec,
 200ml NV

產區/Region: Germany

品種/Grapes: French Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc, Blanc de Noir from French Pinot Noir and Chenin from Saumur

酒質/Tasting Notes: 此款氣泡酒的氣泡活潑且持久。味道新鮮,有餘韻,而香氣帶有熱帶性水果的芬芳。 葡萄品種精緻的融合,以夏馬槽法(Charmat)釀製,其一致的特色與不變的高品質,使Henkell Trocken得完善的味覺體驗,是一款平易近人的酒款。絕對能讓您感到滿意。韓可的向人生喝采(cheers to life)口號,邀請大家在人生的各種精彩時刻,以韓可汽泡酒留下註記,不論是考試高中、生日派對、週年紀念日,甚或選購到了一雙很棒的鞋,都別忘了開一瓶韓可汽泡酒!

Henkell Trocken Dry Sec Sparkling Wine sparkles with vivacious and long lasting effervescence. Thanks to the play of greenish reflections, the delicate light amber colour gains lively, expressive nuancing. The taste is fresh, tingling, with a lingering finish, while a subtle fragrance suggestive of tropical fruit develops in the bouquet. 

This dry, fully matured sparkling wine owes its elegant character to a unique Cuvee of excellent wines originating from such classic grape varieties as French Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc, Blanc de Noir from French Pinot Noir and Chenin from Saumur. The finely blended, harmonious composition makes Henkell Trocken a well-balanced, consummate taste experience.

酒精濃度/ Alcohol: 11.5%

適飲溫度/ Serving temperature: 6-8°

建議搭配/ Food matches:




酒廠 winery 發表品酒心得

    韓可酒廠 HENKELL & Co.

    由熱愛葡萄酒的Mr. Adam Henkell創立於1832年。自1856年即開始釀製汽泡酒,而他的孫兒Mr. Otto Henkell成功的繼承衣缽。在十九世紀末,即因著韓可氣泡酒的誕生,讓韓可在德國及國際上開始有了知名度。Mr. Otto Henkell II在1945接掌公司,不但將公司的名聲發揚光大,更讓韓可成為德國汽泡酒的代表品牌。德國人極喜飲用汽泡酒,擁有全世界平均每人消費最高的汽泡酒飲用量,根據2009年GFK Group

    In 1832, Adam Henkell (1801-1866) established himself as a wine merchant in Mainz, thus laying the cornerstone of today’s company, Henkell & Soehnlein. As early as 1856, he also devoted himself to the production of sparkling wine. With creation of the brand-name of Henkell Trocken in the late 19th century, his grandson Otto Henkell made the breakthrough onto national and international markets.

    From the very beginning, advertising played a vital role. Henkell Trocken soon became one of the great prestige brands, a must at any celebration. One took pride in drinking a very distinctive sparkling wine. For this reason, every bottle of Henkell Trocken bears a red cordon on its neck: So the brand name is perceived even when the bottle stands in a cooler.

    Today Henkell & Co is Germany’s largest and most modern sparkling wine cellar, as well as one of the world’s most renowned producers of sparkling wine. Of the Henkell Trocken brand alone, the largest exported sparkling brand, more than 20 million 0.75l bottles are sold world-wide per year. According to a 1997 study by research organization Emnid, Henkell is Germany’s best-known and most popular sparkling wine.


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