

阿斯托力亞酒莊 A級奢華蜜思嘉微甜氣泡酒
ASTORIA Luxury Moscato Sweet Sparkling Wine

原價:$ 780/瓶Bottle

IT1EAT0062 / 8003905044959

ASTORIA Luxury Moscato Sweet Sparkling Wine,
Treviso, Veneto, Italy
(100% Moscato; 7%)

產區/Region: Treviso, Veneto,Italy
品種/Grapes:100% Moscato

酒質/Tasting Notes:獨特的浮雕設計,字體「A」表示尊貴榮耀,搭配粉色精美烤漆瓶身,洋溢著浪漫柔情文藝氣息感。淡金黃色澤酒色,微甜口感中,帶有玫瑰、香水、青蘋果以及草莓香氣,氣泡優雅、綿密,酸度均衡、甜蜜。

酒精濃度/ Alcohol: 7%
適飲溫度/ Serving temperature:6~8℃
建議搭配/ Food matches:各式甜點、水果或純飲皆宜。

酒廠 winery 發表品酒心得

    阿斯托力亞酒莊 ASTORIA

    酒莊於1987年由悠久釀造歷史的釀酒師家族所創建。Astoria創辦人源自於古老的釀酒家族,葡萄園總面積16公頃,創始人兩兄弟Paolo和Giorgio Polegato秉持傳統、創新與時尚相結合的精神,熱銷超優質酒款於全球。


    酒莊的Prosecco氣泡酒繼承了Veneto產區優質傳統的表現;憑藉此區氣泡酒系列近年來獲獎無數,其中包括Verona國際葡萄酒大賽獲得的Grand Gold大金牌獎。Prosecco Millesimato DOCG及Refrontolo Passito DOCG毫無爭議地成為了酒莊產品中的佼佼者。現在亦生產許多靜態紅白酒,雖然並不是此產區最出名的酒款,但質量同樣精采。

    Founded in 1987 by an old family of winemakers, Paolo and Giorgio Polegato’s Astoria prides itself on the quality of its products.

    Astoria products are served in the most exclusive restaurants, wineries and bars.
    Astoria sells wines produced at its own “Val De Brun Estate” in Refrontolo, in the heart of the DOCG zone Conegliano – Valdobbiadene.

    Forty acres, located in one of the most beautiful wine-growing areas in Italy, renowned for its climate, highlight the harmonious succession of hills and vineyards.  

    The Company links its name to the product par excellence of the winemaking tradition in Veneto: the PROSECCO; this wine, the Millesimato, was awarded several prizes over the years, including the prestigious Grand Gold Medal at the International Wine Competition at Vinitaly in Verona. Prosecco Millesimato Docg and Refrontolo Passito Docg are the house jewels.

    Astoria is not just Prosecco though, as it also produces barrique wines such as Colli di Conegliano Docg, Crevada and Croder, relying on the competence and skills of its highly professional staff.


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