

-里昂多酒廠 玫瑰戀人微甜氣泡酒
CANTINE RIONDO Refolo Cavisa Vino Spumant Dolce

原價:$ 680/瓶

義大利-里昂多酒廠-威尼托梭亞斐產區D.O.C 玫瑰戀人微甜氣泡酒
CANTINE RIONDO Refolo Cavisa Vino Spumant Dolce, Soave D.O.C., Veneto, Italy
產區/Region:  Soave D.O.C., Veneto, Italy

品種/Grapes:  50% Garganega、50% Moscato Bianco

酒質/Tasting Notes:  這款微甜氣泡白酒是採用Garganega 50% 和 Moscato Bianco 50%釀製的。酒的外觀呈現稻草黃並帶有些許的金黃色,氣泡頗豐富有力。聞起來帶有柑橘、桃子、杏子的優雅成熟果香;入口的感覺活潑爽口,呈現新鮮的水果香,如蘋果、柑橘等,加上討喜的甜味,帶給飲用者非常愉悅的品嚐經驗;浪漫華麗風格的瓶身包裝增添了飲用時的浪漫歡樂氣氛。

酒精濃度/ Alcohol:9.5%

適飲溫度/ Serving temperature: 7~8°C

建議搭配/ Food matches: 水果沙拉、冰淇淋或者草莓蛋糕等



酒廠 winery 發表品酒心得


    在威尼托區超過6000公頃的葡萄園,每天有超過3,000多名果農細心管理。成就高品質的葡萄酒,生產Corvina最有名及優質的葡萄酒及氣泡酒,像是Prosecco、Soave、Valpolicella, Ripasso, Amarone, Pinot Grigio,Chardonnay, Garganega,里昂多酒廠的酒款深受國際消費者的青睞。
    里昂多酒廠針對不同消費族群,建立各種品牌符合大眾需求。主要品牌有:Riondo 、Casa Burti、Casa Lunardi、Castelforte、i-Riondo。
    Un undisputed leader of viticulture in the Veneto region with over 6,000 hectares of vineyards that are managed daily by more than 2.400 associated farmers. The vineyards cover the main production zones, appellations and grape varieties of the region: Prosecco, Soave, Valpolicella, Ripasso, Amarone, Pinot Grigio, Chardonnay, Garganega e Corvina being the most renowned among local and international consumers. The wines from these vineyards are bottled by Collis-Riondo under various brands, each with its own precise identity and quality profile. The main brands are: Riondo (sparkling DOC and varietal), Casa Burti (generic sparkling), Casa Lunardi (still Veneto wines), Castelforte


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