

康努德酒莊 “拉文托斯家族精選”不甜卡瓦氣泡酒
CODORNIU Cava “Seleccion Raventos” Brut

原價:$ 1000/瓶Bottle



-特選不甜卡瓦氣泡酒 NV

CODORNIU Cava Seleccion Raventos Brut ,
D.O. Cava , Spain NV

產區/Region: Lleida, Cava D.O.

品種/Grapes: 50% Chardonnay, 50% Xarel•lo/Macabeo

酒質/Tasting Notes: 多年來,特選卡瓦氣泡酒是康德努酒莊經營者Raventos家族私藏的珍釀-集結17個世代的釀酒傳統。特選卡瓦氣泡酒的葡萄品種來自2個不同產地的精選葡萄園,完美地混合了當地原生品種(Xarel.lo及Macabeo)以及國際品種(Chardonnay)。明亮的淡黃麥桿色澤,氣泡細緻綿密,持續不斷。帶有鳯梨及核果,以及柑橘和蘋果香氣。略經陳年後,乾果、蜂蜜及土司等香氣更加明顯。具有奶油般滑順口感及紮實酒體,口感清新且持久。


For years Selección Raventós was chosen for the private enjoyment of the Raventós family – the fruit of a winemaking tradition of 17 generations. On the occasion of the 125th anniversary of the first bottle of sparkling wine to be produced by Josep Raventós in 1872, the product was made available commercially. Selección Raventós is sourced from select vineyards located in two different grape-growing areas and is a blend of local (Xarel•lo y Macabeo) and international (Chardonnay) varieties.

A Brut with a brilliant straw yellow colour and fine, delicate and persistent bubbles. Intense aromas of pineapple and stone fruit together with more classic aromas such as citrus and apple from the traditional varieties.  Also prominent are aromas from ageing on yeast lees (dried fruit, honey, toast, etc). On the palate, Selección Raventós has a creamy texture and good body, with a refreshing and persistent mouthfeel.

酒精濃度/ Alcohol: 11.5%

適飲溫度/ Serving temperature: 5-8°

建議搭配/ Food matches: 開胃菜、貝類、魚子醬、煙燻鮭魚、米食、家禽及烤魚。 Thanks to its body and freshness, Selección Raventós is ideal for drinking as an apéritif, or to accompany such classics as shellfish, caviar, smoked salmon, etc. It also goes well with rice dishes, poultry and baked fish.




酒廠 winery 發表品酒心得

    康德努酒莊 CODORNIU

    康德努酒莊隸屬於康德努集團,康德努集團可說是卡瓦氣泡酒的先鋒,早在16世紀初已經成立,最初以生產葡萄酒為主,直至1872年,才正式成功生產第一支卡瓦氣泡酒,終在1895年改以全力生產卡瓦氣泡酒為主,是西班牙兩大生產卡瓦氣泡酒的酒廠之ㄧ。  擁有460年以上的釀酒歷史,康德努集團不僅為歷史悠久的家族企業,更是西班牙栽種面積葡萄園最大的集團,總計種植面積超過3,000英畝,集團的葡萄園主要分布在D.O 卡瓦氣泡酒產區內。1872年,康德努是第一個將傳統香檳釀製法引進西班牙,進而開始生產名為「卡瓦」氣泡酒的集團。康德努集團釀造的酒款,60%以卡瓦氣泡酒為主,另外40%則為葡萄酒款,集團旗下品牌包括:Codorniu, Raimat, B.Bilbainas, Bach, Legaris, Scala Dei, Nuviana, Artesa, Septima, Abadia de Poblet。康德努集團始終秉持著三大信念:歷史、品質與創新。集團釀酒起源於1551年,歷經四個半世紀的傳承,奠基於悠久的歷史傳統,讓未來的發展更加穩固。集團更針對葡萄的栽種技術不斷研發,期望能提供更高品質的氣泡酒及葡萄酒。而不斷求新求變的精神,不但讓酒莊成為卡瓦氣泡酒的先驅,也成為第一家成功以黑皮諾葡萄品種釀造白卡瓦氣泡酒。

    Codorníuis the world's largest producer of bottle-fermented sparkling wine made by the traditional champagne method, it was founded in Catalonia, Spain in 1551. It produces 60 million bottles annually. The Codorníu family’s wine business goes back to the middle of the 16th century. A document of that period states that the family had several machines and implements relating to the wine industry. In 1659 Anna Codorníu married Miquel Raventós and the families, each with a long wine tradition, were united. Years later, in 1872, Josep Raventós produced cava for the first time in Spain using the “Traditional Method” and established a completely new industry in the Alt Penedès region. The Codorníu cellars at Sant Sadurní d'Anoiawere built on the orders of Manuel Raventós between the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century (1895-1915). He chose the renowned Catalán architect Josep Puig i Cadafalch, to design the facility.  At that time Codorníu was producing about 100,000 bottles of cava per year, and the size of the new structure seemed overly grandiose. The location of the winery, then some distance from the road and the railway line, was also unusual for the time. Manuel Raventós, however, was insistent that the family winery should be close to the vineyard as he was aware that such proximity would be the key to improving the quality of the wines. Nowadays, Codorníu continues to control the production process of all its cavas from vineyard planting to finished product. The winery has the most modern installations and the very latest equipment.”

    In 1976, the Codorníu cellars at Sant Sadurní d'Anoia were declared "a National Monument of Historical and Artistic Interest" by King Juan Carlos I.




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