

-史比內塔酒廠 “卡迪皮安園” 巴貝拉紅酒
LA SPINETTA Barbera d'Asti "Ca di Pian"

原價:$ 1200/瓶



-皮埃蒙特 阿斯提產區 D.O.C..
-“卡迪皮安園” 巴貝拉紅酒

LA SPINETTA Barbera d'Asti "Ca di Pian" ,
Asti  DOC, Piedmont, Italy

產區/Region: Asti  DOC, Piedmont

品種/Grapes:100% Barbera

酒質/Tasting Notes: 以100%巴貝拉品種釀成,年產80,000瓶。酒精發酵於橫式旋轉發酵槽中進行約6天,乳酸發酵在小型橡木桶中進行(部份新桶),之後繼續陳年12個月


Always an attractive wine, the 2004 Barbera d’Asti Ca’ di Pian shows plenty of sweet dark plumy fruit with excellent concentration on the palate and a lovely underlying note of minerality that provides freshness. It is sure to provide much pleasure over the next several years. 

酒精濃度/ Alcohol: 13.5%

適飲溫度/ Serving temperature: 16-17°C

建議搭配/ Food matches: 適合搭配所有開胃菜料理及軟質起士。All kinds of appetizers and soft cheeses.

得獎紀錄/Score: Gambero Rosso : Winery of The Year 2001



酒廠 winery 發表品酒心得

    史比內塔酒廠 LA SPINETTA

    Giuseppe Rivetti(小名Pin)是阿根廷的義大利移民的第二代,他回到故鄉買了葡萄園、建立了酒廠,與他的妻子在1977年創立了”史比內塔”(意為「山丘頂」)酒莊,它位於義大利皮埃蒙特的Castagnole Lanze村莊,這裡是” 莫斯卡托達斯提Moscato d’Asti”產區的中心地帶。他認為此地的莫斯卡托葡萄有相當良好的潛力,因此1978首先開始生產的就是單一葡萄園Biancospino的莫斯卡托白酒,這在義大利是首開先河的創舉。1985年開始陸續推出了多款膾炙人口的皮埃蒙特好酒,如三款單一園的巴巴瑞斯科紅酒和一款巴羅鏤紅酒。2001年Rivetti家族更跨區進軍托斯卡尼生產紅酒。由於表現非常卓越,史比內塔已經被譽為義大利未來的葡萄酒界巨星。

    Giuseppe Rivetti (nicknamed Pin) is Argentina's second-generation Italian immigrants,He returned home to buy a vineyard, established a winery, with his wife in 1977 founded the LA SPINETTA (meaning "hill top ") winery, located in Piedmont Italy's Castagnole Lanze village, here is the Moscato d'Asti producing heartland. He believes that there is very good here and the potential of Moscato, it started production in 1978 is the first single vineyard “Biancospino”of Moscato wine, which in Italy is the first of initiative. 1985 launched a variety of popular Piedmont wine, such as three and single vineyard Barbaresco and one Barolo. 2001 Rivetti family more cross into”Toscana” production of red wine.

    The performance is excellent, LA SPINETTA has been hailed as the future of the Italian wine industry’s star.



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