

伊斯塔莊園 特優紅酒
FINCA LA ESTACADA 6 meses en Barrica

原價:$ 690/瓶

FINCA LA ESTACADA 6 meses en Barrica, Ucles, Spain

產區/Region:Spain D.O. Ucles

品種/Grapes:100% Tempranillo

酒質/Tasting Notes:動人的櫻桃紫紅色澤,散發出強烈的年輕氣息。果味濃郁,有這絲絲糖煮水果的味道增添了層次感。口感豐腴,黑莓果醬的味道,甘甜的單寧使口感更加令人愉悅。感覺柔和,濃郁果香,餘韻綿長。
Touching cherry purple, exudes strong young atmosphere. Rich fruity smell with sugar boiled fruit which adds more lyering. Taste plump, blackberry jam flavors, sweet tannins make the taste more pleasant. Feeling soft, fruity, lingering finish.

酒精濃度/ Alcohol:13.5 %

適飲溫度/ Serving temperature: 16-22 ℃

建議搭配/ Food matches: 

★Robert Parker:87 Japan Wines Challenge-Bronze medal    



酒廠 winery 發表品酒心得

    伊斯塔 (Finca La Estacada) 崛起於1970年代, 由 Rodriguez家族所經營, 原本是以生產桶裝大量酒為主的莊園, 供應如美國 Gallo 酒莊等量大的國際酒廠。但由於二代莊主深信這塊土地可以釀造的遠超過於量大於質的低價位葡萄, 開始走向精緻酒的路線, 自行釀酒裝瓶, 發展品牌, 並另外建立25間客房及可與葡萄酒搭配的餐廳, 希望能讓來自世界各地愛酒人士, 感受屬於伊斯塔的特殊風味。
    伊斯塔莊園位於西班牙首都馬德里南方, 占地 278 公頃, 包含了106公頃的葡萄園, 主要為平均樹齡25年的田帕尼優 (Tempranillo), 另外也有希哈 (Syrah)、卡本內蘇維濃 (Carbenet Sauvignon) 及梅洛 (Merlot) 等。

    Finca La Estacada rise in the 1970s, operated by the Rodriguez family.  It originally based on the production of a large number of wine-based estate bottled, serving as the United States such as Gallo international winery. However, due to the second-generation suzerain convinced that the land can be brewed too far beyond the low price is greater than the quality of the grapes, the line began to fine wine, bottling their own wine, and brand development, and create another 25 guest rooms and restaurants can be matched with wine, hoping that wine lovers from around the world, to feel part of Finca La Estacada 's special flavor.
    Finca La Estacada estate is located south of the Spanish capital of Madrid, covering 278 hectares, including 106 hectares of vineyards, mainly for the average 25-year-old Tempranillo, while there Syrah, Carbenet Sauvignon and Merlotand so on.


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