

泰瑞麥特酒莊 旭陽系列 卡本內蘇維濃紅酒
TERRAMATER Paso del Sol Cabernet Sauvignon

原價:$ 390/瓶



TERRAMATER Paso del Sol Cabernet Sauvignon,
Central Valley, Chile

產區/Region:Central Valley

品種/Grapes:85% Cabernet Sauvignon, 15% Merlot

酒質/Tasting Notes:充滿活力的寶石紅色與紫色調。充沛調和的黑醋栗,薄荷,李子和新鮮漿果的味道。中等酒體,豐富,水果引動尾韻綿長。適合大眾口味。
Vibrant ruby red with purple tinges. Intense notes of cassis, mint, plums and fresh berry flavors. Medium bodied, rich, fruit driven palate with soft persistent finish. User friendly.

酒精濃度/ Alcohol:12.5%

適飲溫度/ Serving temperature:16-22°C

建議搭配/ Food matches: 



酒廠 winery 發表品酒心得

    兼具優質傳統與現代品種與酒款的特色,TerraMater 十年來積極於釀酒工業技術的投資且長年派駐釀酒師於法國Chateau Margaux精進並引進傳統釀酒技術。
    另一方面也同時增加現代化的設備,造就了今天的TerraMater不僅以生產精釀高品質葡萄酒且兼具新世界口感酒款的特色而揚名國際,並連年獲獎,其中以TerraMater 不同凡響的Cabernet -Shiraz-Zinfandel酒款以3種來自Maipo區優良品種釀製。
    並於2005年一舉拿下義大利葡萄酒的金牌獎,堪稱TerraMater 酒廠特色之代表。

    Combines traditional features with modern varieties of quality wine paragraph, TerraMater spent 10 years active in the wine industry technology investment and long stationed winemakers in Chateau Margaux of France, and the introduction of sophisticated traditional brewing techniques.
    On the other hand also increased modern equipments, creating today's TerraMater not only to produce high-quality wines but also craft of both the New World wines taste specialties and international fame, and year after year award, which TerraMater Unusual Cabernet -Shiraz- Zinfandel wines in three varieties brewed from the Maipo region.
    And in 2005 gold medal winning Italian wines, called on behalf of TerraMater winery Characteristics.


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