

利斯卡侯爵酒莊 精選紅酒
Marques de Riscal Red Reserva

原價:$ 980/瓶




RISCAL Red Reserva, Rioja, Spain


品種/Grapes:90% Tempranillo, 10% Graciano y Mazuelo

酒質/Tasting Notes:日本最暢銷的西班牙品牌!於全世界免稅商店均有售,過去曾在1945年被Wine Specator評為99分,當時有許多不肖商人仿冒他們酒莊的酒標,為了避免這種困擾,Riscal酒莊特別使用了金線的包裝以做為區格,爾後金線的包裝成了Riscal酒莊的特色。此款酒是由15年的老藤所產之葡萄所釀造,經過2年美國橡木桶熟成,型塑成一款Rioja的典型紅酒。香氣部分隱約帶有橡木芬芳香氣,紅而明亮帶有ㄧ絲黃綠色澤與紫羅蘭光暈徘旋,一連串柔順的口感持續,餘韻纏繞舌尖。

The reserva wines of Marqués de Riscal are made basically from grapes coming from vines over 15 years old, of the Tempranillo variety. The reserva wines of Riscal spend approximately two years in American oak barrels, forming a wine which adheres to the principles of classic Rioja wines. On the nose, hints of fruit enveloped in a series of oak fragances and balsamic aromas. Red with a slight hint of yellow when still and glints of violet hues when swirled. In the mouth, a series of smooth sensations moving towards the back of the palate, then returning along the sides of the rear of the tongue with toasted flavours and finishing underneath the tongue at the front with soft, persistent toasted sensations.


酒精濃度/ Alcohol:14 %

適飲溫度/ Serving temperature: 16-18℃

建議搭配/ Food matches: 火腿、淡味起司、調味較淡的砂鍋料理、 豆類烹調餐點、炙烤紅肉及雞肉等料理。

得獎紀錄/Score:Wine Specator評為99分



酒廠 winery 發表品酒心得

    Marques de Riscal 利斯卡侯爵酒莊

    利斯卡侯爵酒莊早在1858年就成為Rioja地區第一家採用波爾多方法釀造葡萄酒的葡萄酒莊,擁有最新的釀酒設備、儲酒酒窖。1972年,成為第一家推動開創Rueda Designation著名葡萄酒產地的酒莊,在那裡生產利斯卡侯爵舉世聞名的白葡萄酒。5年後利斯卡侯爵的產品就陸續在各大國際競賽裡獲獎,1985年贏得第十三屆波爾多世界博覽會的最高榮譽獎Diploma of Honour,是第一家獲得該獎項的非法國酒莊,也榮獲日本最佳品牌,銷售第一名的西班牙酒, 暢銷世界上70多個國家。

    Wines of the Herederos de Marqués de Riscal has always been a leading and pioneering company in the wine producing sector.  As far back as 1858, it became the first winery in the Rioja to produce wines following the Bordeaux method and in 1972, it was the first winery to promote the Rueda Designation of Origin, where it produced its famous Marqués de Riscal white wines.
    Marqués de Riscal sells its products in over 70 countries and its wines enjoy the highest international distinctions as well as numerous awards and mentions in the media.
    In the XXI century, Herederos del Marqués de Riscal is still writing its history with the “Ciudad del Vino”, a project that is a milestone in the way to understand the world of wine.


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