

托馬酒莊 櫻桃水果酒

原價:$ 550/瓶

TOMASELLO Cherry, New Jersey, USA

產區/Region:New Jersey, USA

品種/Grapes: 100% Montmorency Cherries

酒質/Tasting Notes: 100%新鮮櫻桃製成,這款優質的櫻桃酒饒富充沛的櫻桃氣息,均衡的甜度,最適合搭配白巧克力乳酪蛋糕或調配”櫻桃白蘭地亞歷山大”(Cherry Brandy Alexander),作為開胃酒。
Made from 100% Montmorency Cherries from Michigan, this premium Cherry Wine has a pronounced Cherry character. Balanced with a bit of sweetness, this Cherry Wine is best appreciated with White Chocolate Cheesecake, as an aperitif or in a Cherry Brandy Kir with you favorite sparkling wine. Try our Cherry Wine in a Pan Seared Duck Breast with Cherry Wine Reduction or in a Cherry Wine Spritzer.

酒精濃度/ Alcohol: 9 %

適飲溫度/ Serving temperature:8-12°C

建議搭配/ Food matches: 試試泛香煎鴨胸櫻桃酒或櫻桃酒汽酒。Try our Cherry Wine in a Pan Seared Duck Breast with Cherry Wine Reduction or in a Cherry Wine Spritzer.



酒廠 winery 發表品酒心得

    TOMASELLO -托馬酒莊
    在1933年2月,當弗蘭克聽到聯邦政府廢除禁令,並準備再次發放許可證的酒廠,他沒有浪費任何時間。他跳進他的卡車,並通過暴風雪到華盛頓成為第一個排隊申請牌照 - 他成功了!托馬酒廠開始那年,許可證號為全國第68。在當年6月,紐澤西州通過了第21修正案,廢除禁令並且托馬酒廠正式營業。
    弗蘭克托馬塞洛所做的第一個葡萄酒 – Ranier 紅酒, Ranier白酒和Ranier 羅斯酒(他妻子的娘家姓名),一個令人愉快的美國的混合品種。該Raniers系列是一個巨大的成功,以至於到現在,仍是我們最暢銷的葡萄酒並且持續有很多忠實的追隨者。
    在1940年代,弗蘭克讓他的兒子查爾斯和約瑟夫加入公司。他們將父親的事業成為一個商業化的酒廠。他們也開始生產採用被稱為methode Champenoise香檳式釀造的古典法式法起泡葡萄酒 - 這涉及到二次發酵在瓶子裡,而不是增加碳化。這些氣泡葡萄酒是非常受歡迎的。到了1960年代,,在托馬酒廠生產的葡萄酒,氣泡酒佔了一半。
    約瑟夫托馬去世於1971年。查爾斯托馬 48 歲時,擴大了我們家的葡萄園,並且添加法國美國雜交第一代。許多這些品種都是在實驗階段,康奈爾大學的推廣站開發介紹。今天,雖然許多這些品種目前遍及美國,查爾斯托馬是第一個在我們的葡萄園種植了許多比較成功的品種 – 所以我們也擁有一些全國最古老的維拉德比諾葡萄樹。
    在1980年代,托馬第三代 - 查爾斯的兒子小查爾斯和傑克加入。他們一起努力擴大酒廠和改造葡萄園。在葡萄園裡,他們種植的葡萄歐亞種,先增加夏多內,三年後再增加卡本內蘇維濃。我們現在種植24種不同的品種,包括卡本內‧弗朗,麗絲玲,小維鐸,黑皮諾和希拉等。
    如今,托馬酒廠生產大約30種葡萄酒和8種氣泡葡萄酒,幾乎全部來自酒莊種植的水果或當地農民,包括很多著名的藍莓,在methode Champenoise香檳式釀造的古典法式法進行。托馬酒廠只使用哈蒙頓(世界藍莓之都)所種植的最頂級藍莓。
    在2011年, 成立78年以來,托馬酒廠擁有近70英畝的葡萄園。我們是在紐澤西州唯一的第三代,家族擁有的酒莊。我們的葡萄酒可以在全美國37個州、在幾千家專賣店,甚至在加拿大和亞洲都可以購買。
    托馬塞洛酒莊聞名的頂級葡萄酒 – 卡本內蘇維濃,小維鐸,黑比諾,夏多內,麗絲玲,而且還與法國的混交品種,包括香寶馨,維拉德比諾和比達爾有巨大的成功。有著近40葡萄酒生產,托馬塞洛如同擁有一個葡萄酒調色板,其中包括晦澀的葡萄酒像其屢獲殊榮的白羽,是俄羅斯在葡萄園裡種植的品種。

    In the 1930's, Frank Tomasello was a berry farmer in Hammonton, New Jersey. He was known for his raspberries, strawberries, peaches and sweet potatoes. But he had a special knack for growing grapes and a passion for wine.
    In February 1933, when Frank heard the federal government was repealing Prohibition and was ready to once again issue winery licenses he did not waste any time. He jumped into his truck and drove through a snow storm to Washington, DC to be one of the first in line for a license – he made it! Tomasello Winery was bonded that year, license number 68 for the entire country. In June of that year, New Jersey passed the 21st amendment repealing prohibition and Tomasello Winery was officially in business.
    The first wines that Frank Tomasello made were – Ranier Red, Ranier White and Ranier Rose (named after his wife's maiden name) a delightful blend of American varietals. The Raniers were a huge success, so much so, that they are still being made today and are among our top selling wines with a loyal following.
    In the 1940s, Frank brought his sons Charles and Joseph into the business. They grew their father's business into a commercial winery. They also began producing sparkling wines employing the classical French method known as methode champenoise -- which involves a secondary fermentation in the bottle as opposed to adding carbonation. These sparkling wines were very popular. By the 1960s, sparkling wines accounted for half of all the wines produced at Tomasello Winery.
    Joseph Tomasello passed away in 1971. Charles Tomasello, Sr., then 48, expanded our family’s vineyards to add the first generation of French American hybrids. Many of these varieties were in the experimental stages, being developed and introduced by Cornell University's Extension Station. Today, while many of these varieties are currently being planted throughout the United States, Charles Tomasello, Sr. was the first to plant many of the more successful varieties at our vineyard –accounting for the fact that we have some of the oldest Villard Noir vines in the country.
    In the 1980s, a third generation of Tomasellos joined the business when Charles' sons Charles, Jr. and Jack came on board. Together they worked to expand the winery and revamp the vineyard. In the vineyard they planted Vinifera vines, adding Chardonnay first, then Cabernet Sauvignon three years later. We now grow 24 different varieties including Cabernet Franc, Riesling, Petit Verdot, Pinot Noir and Shiraz to name just a few.
    Today, Tomasello Winery produces approximately 30 still wines and eight sparkling wines, almost all made from estate-grown fruit or fruit from local farmers including the much celebrated Sparkling Blueberry, made in the classical methode champenoise. Tomasello Winery uses only the top blueberries from the top growers from Hammonton (the Blueberry Capital of the World) in this wine.
    In 2011, seventy-eight years after its inception, Tomasello Winery farms nearly 70 acres of vines. We are the only third generation, family-owned winery in the State of New Jersey. Our wines can be found in 37 states nationally, in thousands of stores, as well as in Canada and Asia.
    Tomasello Winery is well-known for its premium wines - Cabernet Sauvignon, Petit Verdot, Pinot Noir, Chardonnay, Riesling, -- and has also had great success with French Hybrids varieties including Chambourcin, Villard Noir and Vidal Blanc. With close to 40 wines produced, Tomasello has a wine for every palette, including obscure wines like its award-winning Rkatsiteli, a Russian variety grown at the vineyard.


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