

-費加洛酒莊 貴族紅酒
FIGUERO Tinto Noble

原價:$ 4200/瓶


FIGUERO Tinto Noble,
DO-Ribera del Duero, Spain

產區/Region: Ribera del Duero (D.O.)

品種/Grapes:  100% Tempranillo

酒質/Tasting Notes:  飽滿的暗櫻桃紅色澤,帶有動人的亮紅光澤。濃郁強烈的熟成水果、果醬、甘草及礦石香氣,隱約帶有香料、西洋杉、巧克力及太妃糖香氣。味蕾充滿果香及木質氣味,醇厚如絲綢般的質地,充滿和諧、及誘人的花香結構,令人愉悅的單寧均衡和諧,尾韻悠長細緻。
Full of dark cherry red color with bright red sheen moving. Rich intense ripening fruit, jam, licorice and mineral aromas, with subtle spice, cedar, chocolate and toffee aroma. Palate fruity and woody scent, full-bodied silky texture, full of harmony, and seductive floral structure and pleasant tannins balanced harmony, rhyme long and detailed.

酒精濃度/ Alcohol: 14.5%

適飲溫度/ Serving temperature: 14~16℃

建議搭配/ Food matches: 適合搭配牛排、鹿肉,其它豐盛料理,如燉煮及燒烤佳餚以及肥鴨肝等料理。
Match with steak, venison, other hearty dishes such as stew and barbecue dishesas well as dishes such as duck fat.

2003年榮獲Robert Parker:94分
2004年榮獲Robert Parker:95分
2005年榮獲Robert Parker:93分
2006年榮獲Robert Parker:94分


酒廠 winery 發表品酒心得

    FIGUERO 費加洛酒莊
    費加洛酒莊是荷西瑪利.卡西亞(Rose Maria Garcia)與米拉格.費加洛(Milagros Figuero)這對葡萄藤栽種夫婦一個偉大的夢想 - 終生致力於照顧自己的“majuelos”(葡萄園)及年輕藤蔓。對從祖先手中世代傳承的這份工作感到非常驕傲。每天小心翼翼地照料著45公頃大的葡萄園,其中一半以上是由歷代祖先們細心呵護流傳下來,部份仍生長葡萄的老藤,其歷史可追溯至1930年代。
    卡西亞-費加洛 (Garcia Figuero) 葡萄酒採用百分之百的田帕尼優 (Tempranillo)-西班牙特有紅葡萄品種釀製,以斗羅河岸 (Ribera del Duero) 為主軸,是酒莊唯一種植的葡萄品種。
    卡西亞-費加洛葡萄園以栽種田帕尼優為其特色,且擁有25公頃超過60年以上的葡萄老藤。2001年,在三位小孩 Carlos, Henar 以及 Antonio的協助之下,釀酒的夢想已成事實。La Horra,這個小鎮見證這間位於斗羅河岸知名產區之莊園百世紀的成長史。目前已有超過一千個最好品質的橡木桶在培養室中釀酒,而且每2-3年更新一次。

    Tinto Figuero is the great dream of José María García y Milagros Figuero, a vine-growing couple who have devoted their entire lives to looking after their“majuelos,” with the aim of producing “top quality” grapes. They are the proud heirs to a culture that has come down to them through several generations. All the know-how that we have inherited from our ancestors about the “growing of the vine” needs to be applied in the creation of our very own wines.”
    What make us different is our 53 hectares (131acres) of vineyards. 25 hectares (62 acres) of them older than 60 years, from which we pick the high quality grapes that make our wines so prestigious around the world. Back in 2001, with the aid of their three children, Carlos, Henar y Antonio, the winery became a reality. Tinto Figuero is located in La Horra (Burgos). This place is one of most prestigious spots along the banks of Duero river, and home to Ribera del Duero D.O quality label.



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