

CVM酒廠 聖羅莎系列 蘇維濃白酒
CVM Santa Rosa Sauvignon Blanc-Semillon

原價:$ 395/瓶


-聖羅莎系列 蘇維濃白酒

CVM Santa Rosa Sauvignon Blanc-Semillon,
Central Valley, Chile

產區/Region: Central Valley, Chile


品種/Grapes: Sauvignon Blanc, Semillon


酒質/Tasting Notes: 來自智利著名產區中央河谷,有著涼爽多雨的冬季,以及日夜溫差明顯的夏季。葡萄生長時,可感受到充沛陽光的乾爽夏日,採收時節亦不會受到雨水的干擾。為了讓這款白酒擁有豐富的口感,先輕柔的壓榨葡萄汁液,並於低溫控制的鋼槽中靜置一段時間,讓香氣與果味更融合。釀造成可輕鬆飲用的美酒。顏色:清新的檸檬黃中帶有些微的青綠色。酒質:先聞到帶有蜜瓜、鳳梨等甜美果香,而後有柑橘、萊姆及葡萄柚等清新香氣,中等酒體,尾韻順口並帶有清爽的酸度。


Valley & Vineyard :The grapes for this particular blend were harvested from selected vineyards in Chile´s Central Valley. This valley is particularly characterised for having clearly defined seasons with cool, rainy winters and warm summers with high daytime temperatures moderated by cool nights. The grapes are able to ripen fully thanks to the excellent exposure to the sun, dry summers and a lack of rain at the time of harvest. All these factors ensure optimum fruit expressions in Santa Rosa..


Fermentation & Ageing :In order to capture the fresh and fruity character of the wine, the grapes are carefully pressed and the must remains in contact with the skins for several hours of cold maceration. The must is later fermented in stainless steel tanks at controlled temperatures (10-12ºC) using selected yeasts for optimum development of aromas and flavour. The wine is kept in stainless steel tanks until bottling.

Tasting note : Pale lemon yellow with greenish highlights our 2008 Santa Rosa Sauvignon Blanc-Semillon is a fresh young wine. It offers aromas of mint, melon and pineapple with refreshing citrus notes of lime and grapefruit. The palate is soft and fruity with a medium body and a well balanced acidity.


酒精濃度/ Alcohol: 13%


適飲溫度/ Serving temperature: 10-12ºC


建議搭配/ Food matches: 海鮮、沙拉或已少許香料點綴的雞肉料理。Fish, salads or chicken with mild herbs





酒廠 winery 發表品酒心得

    創立於1992年,是智利知名大廠Santa Carolina的姊妹酒廠,成立的目的是為了展現智利最佳風土條件,以及創立一個獨特且現代的釀酒觀。

    卡薩布蘭加酒廠具有完整的產品品項與類別,獲得無數的獎項與榮耀,並擁有「智利當代最佳酒廠」的美名。在90年代初期,卡薩布蘭加酒廠是極少數有前瞻的眼光,在卡薩布蘭加河谷置地的酒廠之一,葡萄園在細心照料下,聖伊沙貝爾莊園經過10年的努力,卡薩布蘭加酒廠已成為智利最著名的精緻酒廠之一,持續的釀造出豐富優雅的酒款,傳達出智利這塊土地現代的田園風情。自上市以來,卡薩布蘭加酒廠便擁有完整的產品品項與類別,無論是紅酒或白酒,均獲得無數的獎項與榮耀,在90年代末期,卡薩布蘭加酒廠甚至獲選為「智利當代最佳酒廠」的榮譽。(Santa Isabel Estate)已成為卡薩布蘭加酒廠的旗艦莊園今日,智利知名釀酒師Andrs Caballero亦效力於卡薩布蘭加酒廠,以期許激盪出更多的火花。


    Located in the area of the same name, this vineyard was founded in 1992. Long before the Casablanca Valley was know worldwide for producing high quality  wines, Vina Casablanca already had 55 hectares in this area. A vineyard called Santa Isabel, the place dosest to cooler breezes of the Pacific Ocean, allowing a slow ripening of the fruit and maintenance of intense aroma and flavor, All these, in addition to soil characteristics, make our wines to be an unforgettable experience.

    Since its first vintage in 1992, Casablanca is recognized internationally as a Boutique winery oriented to the production o wines of the highest quality, which represent the modern embodiment of Chile’s idyllic wine-growing regions.

    Vina Casablanca belongs to Carolina Wine Brands.  Carolina Wine Brands is part of the leading Chilean agroindustrial group – Watt’s SA, its main shareholders are the Larraín family. Watt’s core business is producing healthy food for everyday consumption, with a total turnover of uS$400 million and over 2.000 employees. The core values of the company are: social responsibility, health and value creation.

    Wine is a stand alone operation, carried out through Carolina Wine Brands with more than a century of fine wine-making experience. Today, exports reach more than 80 countries, with a total turnover of US$ 40 million. Carolina Wine Brands sales volume is 2.2 million 9 liter cases (70% exports – 30% domestic). It has 2.000 hectares of vineyards in Chile and Argentina’s finest valleys and 4 winemaking facilities, located in Maipo Valley, Colchagua Valley, Curico Valley and Mendoza.


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