

沃沃酒莊 塔利馬紅酒

原價:$ 660/瓶

BODAGES VOLVER Tarima ,D.O.La Mancha,Spain'11

產區/Region: La Mancha

品種/Grapes:  100%  Monastrel

酒質/Tasting Notes:  出色的飽滿酒體,湧現的櫻桃、洋梨及可樂等香甜氣息,讓人為它的純淨及迷人的質地與長度印象深刻。甜餡餅般的酸度與帶有輕微甜度的特質,卻有足夠的香料能掌控住這款酒,仍令人產生極大的興趣。
The 2011 Tarima made from non-organic Monastrell is sensational. From an area dominated by cooperatives, this full-bodied blockbuster boasts plenty of blue and black fruit notes, impressive purity and an enticing texture as well as length.

酒精濃度/ Alcohol: 14.5%

適飲溫度/ Serving temperature: 8 - 12°C

建議搭配/ Food matches: 



酒廠 winery 發表品酒心得


    酒莊由Jorge Ordóñez與Rafael Cañizares合作建立。酒莊位於法定原產地“拉曼恰”最肥沃的土地上。正是因為這裏肥沃的土地,酒莊主人才決定買下247公頃位於1980英呎的葡萄莊園。這裏的沙質土壤深度達1米,河流中有長條狀石頭。每條葡萄藤可產1到2公斤的葡萄。葡萄園始種於1998年。
    Jorge Ordóñez是美國最大的西班牙酒進口商與零售商,旗下經銷品項含括40家西班牙酒廠。此人對西班牙原生品種與老藤有極高興趣,結合了一批國際知名釀酒師,以現代技術活化許多觀念傳統的西班牙酒莊,讓那些僅被當成餐酒的待琢玉石,重新站上光芒四射的舞臺。他也自我期許:「讓美國消費者享受優質的西班牙葡萄酒」!

    Bodegas Back is a project developed and co-owned by Jorge Ordoñez and Rafael Canizares. This winery is located in the best terroir of La Mancha found in the eastern region of the DO. The soil is the reason the winery-committed to purchasing 247 acres of vineyards With deep sandy soils, iron-rich clay, and a thick layer of chalk That are located at an altitude of 1,980 feet.
    Jorge Ordoñez, Spanish Winemaker and Exporter, is a one of the Most Important personalities in wine in the world, and Accompany him as managers of 40 wineries have changed the misperception acerca Spanish wines in the late 80's in the United States. I convinced vignerons to keep Their old vines of native Spanish grapes Instead of Replacing them better-Known With non-Indigenous grapes. He's guided His Producers in all stages of winemaking, suggesting blends, Emphasizing quality control and solving problems.


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