

卡內拉酒廠 貝里尼氣泡酒
CANELLA Bellini Cocktail

原價:$ 650/瓶Bottle



-貝里尼氣泡酒 NV

CANELLA Bellini Cocktail,
Veneto, Italy NV


品種/Grapes: 70% Prosecco, 30% Italian white peaches

酒質/Tasting Notes:“Belline”是ㄧ款來自義大利、口味清爽的知名雞尾酒,混合了純天然的白桃汁、義大利葡萄Prosecco汽泡酒,以及少許的野生覆盆子,已呈現柔美的粉紅色澤,完全沒有以人工方式添加香氣、口感、顏色、抗發酵物質、抗氧化物或其他非天然的成分,在義大利極受歡迎的雞尾酒。 此款經典汽泡酒具有宜人的桃子香氣,且熱量低。
A Bellini is an internationally well-known long frink cocktail that originated in Italy. It is a mixture of sparkling wine (tradintionally Prosecco), white natural peach puree and a bit wild raspberry to give the drink an attractive pink glow, without adding any artificial scent, flavouring, colour, anti-fermenting agents, antioxidants or other unnatural ingredients.. It is one of Italy’s most popular cocktails. This classic cocktail has a wonderful peach aroma, and has only 60 calories per serving.

酒精濃度/ Alcohol: 5%

適飲溫度/ Serving temperature: 5-9°

建議搭配/ Food matches:可以作為開胃酒品飲。





酒廠 winery 發表品酒心得

    卡內拉酒廠 Casa Vinicola Canella 

    如此芳香順口、令人愉悅的貝里尼天然白桃微氣泡酒,最早是出現於1934到1948年的義大利威尼斯,由當地ㄧ家知名Harry's Bar的調酒師Giuseppe Cipriani所發明,六十多年來經歷了許多不同配方,”但是真正的貝里尼,必須是調和了純天然白桃汁、覆盆子和義大利汽泡酒”。 令人好奇的是她響亮的名氣,源自於當地舉辦的ㄧ場15世紀文藝復興的威尼斯畫家-喬凡尼貝里尼Giovanni Bellini畫展中,色彩正如這款酒迷人的色澤,因而啟發了Cipriani以此為名。一開始,貝里尼雞尾酒只在威尼斯喝得到,並深深受到經常去Harry's Bar的藝文界名人如海明威Ernerst Hemingway、路易士Sinclair Lewis和威爾森Orson Welles所喜愛,之後更在美國紐約登陸,蔚為流行。 
    The Bellini was invented sometime  between 1934 and 1948 by Giuseppe Cipriani, head bartender at Harry’s Bar in Venice —“A true Bellini is madewith the nectar of white peaches and Italian sparkling wine.—Over Time the recipe has seen more than a few variations. Because of ths unique pink color, which reminded Cipriani of the color in a painting by 15th-century Venetian artist Giovanni Bellini, he named the drink the Bellini. The drink started as a seasonal specially of the Harry’s Bar in Venice, a favorite haunt of Ernes Hemingway, Sinclair Lewis and Orson Welles. Later, it also became popular at the bar’s New York counterpart.

    The Canella winery was founded half a century ago, in 1947. At that time, the trend in consumption was for austere reds, but Lorenzo Canella saw far ahead, focusing on wines that were light, white, and refreshing - sparkling wines that set off Veneto's own fine varieties and catered to newer, modern tastes.
    The focus and the craft were perfected in the 1970s - a revolutionary decade for Italian viniculture, which saw DOC quality criteria increasingly replacing quantity parameters.
    Today, this avant-garde winery combines hi-tech innovation and the best of tradition, wine-making quality and stylish packaging. 


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