

智利莊園 法冠系列 卡本內蘇維濃紅酒
WINECHIL Valgrande Cabernet Sauvignon

原價:$ 420/瓶

智利-智利莊園-中央山谷產區-法冠系列 卡本內蘇維濃紅酒
WINECHIL Valgrande Cabernet Sauvignon, Central Valley, Chile

產區/Region:Central Valley, Chile

品種/Grapes:  100% Cabernet Sauvignon

酒質/Tasting Notes:  非常豐富的野漿果自然甜香,點綴著隱約的胡椒與香草氣息,入口後馬上可感受到分明層次,單寧感平衡良好,餘韻非常舒服。
Deep ruby red color.  Full rich red fruit aromas of cherry jam, peppery and spicy with sweet green notes.  A velvety well balanced acidity with chocolate notes and abundant sweet rounded tannins.

酒精濃度/ Alcohol: 

適飲溫度/ Serving temperature: 15°C

建議搭配/ Food matches: 適合搭配牛肉,羊肉,辛辣和家禽類食物一起食用。
Suitable for beef, lamb, spicy food and poultry



酒廠 winery 發表品酒心得

    智利莊園創立於 1993 年, 是一家由家族經營的酒莊, 座落於智利最大的葡萄酒產區 Valle Del Maule 北邊的 San Clemente 裡, 就在智利首府聖地牙哥南方 250 公里的地方。Winechil 在當地是一家位居領導創新地位的酒莊,  以生產高品質的卡本內蘇維濃與卡門內酒著名。San Clemente, 在Talca城東邊18公里的地方, 早於17世紀末就開始耕種葡萄樹。葡萄園有乾燥炎熱的白天還有涼爽的夜晚, 如此理想的葡萄生長環境, 成就智利享譽國際優質酒的好評價。酒莊以人工採收葡萄果實, 通常在四月開始採收, 最晚在五月採收完畢。採收完的果實被放置在塑膠的箱子內送抵酒莊後, 為保持葡萄果實的新鮮度, 經過去梗壓碎後的葡萄汁液, 會立刻被放入不銹鋼槽中低溫靜置一段時間,  發酵過程中還會經過約12天的汁液浸皮, 並進入乳酸發酵。(釀酒設備總共可容納約200萬公升的容量), 最後依據不同酒款, 有些酒款會使用法國與美國橡木桶熟成。
    Build in 1993, family-owned, the WINECHIL is located in the San Clemente area, located 18 Km east of the City of Talca Chile (250 Km south of Santiago). The vineyards of Vina Casas Patronales are exposed to climates consisting of dry, hot days with cool nights.  This climate provides ideal growing conditions and accounts for the international recognition Chile is receiving for the wines it produces.  Winechile winery, equipped with 2000000 liters of stainless steel tanks which range in size from 10,000 to 50,000 liters, American and French oaks barrels, stemmer-crusher, presses and bottling line.  Harvesting by hand usually begins in April and continues no later than May.  Grapes are transported in plastic bins to the stemmer-crusher, immediately chilling the juice in stainless steel tanks to ensure freshness.  The skins are left in for twelve days to help the malolactic fermentation process.


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