

-福瑞斯特酒莊 黑皮諾紅酒
FORREST Pinot Noir

原價:$ 1100/瓶


紐西蘭-福瑞斯特酒莊-南島 馬爾堡產區

FORREST Pinot Noir,
Marlborough, Sourth Island, New Zealand 

產區/Region: Marlborough

品種/Grapes:Pinot Noir 100% 

酒質/Tasting Notes:100%人工手摘,並經15個月法國橡木桶的醇化,此酒酒體輕盈圓潤,散發出櫻桃、草莓以及覆盆子的香氣,有微微的煙燻香,口感帶有甘甜味,屬於易飲型的紅酒,隨時開隨時喝,無須醒酒,為Pinot Noir的最佳入門酒。

Deep ruby red color with berry fruit flavours. On the nose, some lovely peppery Morrocan spice notes, raspberry, strawberry, red cherry, an earthy “forest floor” leaf note and just a hint of sweet spicy oak. The fresh berryfruit aromas continue through onto the palate,together with a rich underlay of christmas fruit cake, long savoury after taste. A very good example of Marlborough Pinot Noir that will reward 3 to 5 years bottle maturation.

酒精濃度/ Alcohol:13.5%

適飲溫度/ Serving temperature:14-18°

建議搭配/ Food matches:適合搭配火腿、起司



酒廠 winery 發表品酒心得

    福瑞斯特酒莊 FORREST

    此酒廠是由Dr. John與Brigid Forrest成立於1989年,所在位置為Renwick,是紐西蘭南島的Malborough 馬博羅的心臟地區,此區是紐西蘭最大也是最著名的產酒區,更是種植Sauvignon Blanc白蘇為翁的最佳地方。因其遍佈鵝卵石及沙地,擁有充沛的日照與適度的雨量等優異條件,造就了香味濃郁、細緻典型與結構均衡的Sauvignon  blanc白蘇維翁的優良生長環境。淺黃的稻麥色,散發著馥郁的青蘋果香,礦石味明顯,口感清新,十分具有潛力可與法國中部的Loire Valley盧亞爾河的Sauvignon blanc一較長短,甚至有凌駕的趨勢,是搭配海鮮料理及清爽料理的絕佳良伴。紅酒是以Pinot Noir黑皮諾為主,以年輕的果香及豐富的變化著稱。貴腐白酒與不甜的Riesling麗絲玲均有傑出的表現,值得一試。
    Doctors John and Brigid Forrest are Forrest, a small, very much 'hands-on" producer of premium quality white wine from their home vineyards in Marlborough. Whilst in partnership they produce the Cornerstone Bordeaux red from their vineyard in the Gimblett Gravels Region of Hawke's Bay and premium Pinot Noir from their vineyards in Bannockburn and the Waitaki Valley, Otago.
    Leaving behind careers in molecular biology and medicine, John and Brigid returned to Marlborough in 1988 to establish their first vineyard at Renwick - at the heart of the stony Wairau River Valley.
    Vintage 1990 saw the first Forrest wine and immediate success with a trophy at the national wine awards - success that has been repeated many times both nationally and internationally over the subsequent vintages.
    To the often asked question "why did you do it?" the answer is, a mixture of the wine 'passion' and a desire to achieve and be recognised and rewarded for one's efforts. In hindsight we struck upon a career which suits our personalities - a perfect blend of art and science.
    Grape growing and winemaking is an exacting science, however it must have the artistic touch to give the wines 'soul'. That individual expression of style is the trademark of our wines - rich aromatic white wine, and powerfully scented reds - all impeccably structured and a joy to drink.


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