

-巴比酒廠 精選布內洛蒙塔奇諾紅酒
BARBI Brunello Di Montalcino Riserva

原價:$ 4800/瓶




BARBI Brunello Di Montalcino Riserva,
Brunello Montalcino D.O.C.G.,
Tuscany, Italy 

產區/Region: Tuscany

品種/Grapes: 100% Sangiovese

酒質/Tasting Notes:將部份葡萄在發酵前於3-5℃下浸皮48小時,此一創新的釀製方式是將葡萄皮暫時凍結,使其釋出更多的分子,增加葡萄酒的柔順、均衡、複雜度及美麗的色澤。酒精發酵持續進行16天,並逐步將溫度增加至29-30℃。第一個月先於中小型橡木桶培養(5-20hl),之後置換較大的橡木桶培養三年,並於上市前在瓶中精煉六個月,,比一般布內洛蒙塔奇諾紅酒有更豐富的果香及濃郁的口感。活潑的紅寶石色澤帶有石榴紅外緣,濃郁的莓果及櫻桃香氣帶有微微的雪松木及迷人的菸草氣息。口感圓潤柔順、雄渾強勁,單寧紮實、尾韻綿密細緻。
dry red wine, 100% Sangiovese Grosso grapes. This Riserva of Brunello is made with a special selection of grapes collected from our best vineyards in Montalcino. The ageing in barrel and in bottle is longer than the one for a regular Brunello, thus the wine has a deeper concentration and a wider complexity of aromas. Deep and lively ruby red colour with just a touch of garnet at the rim. The Reserve ’04 has a broad suite of fragrances ranging from well crystal clear hints of ripe red fruits, especially bitter cherry, to leather, rhubarb, dry hay and liquorice. On the palate this wine is warm, ample, elegant and savoury; showing a well integrated balance of alcohol and acidity and a juicy, powerful finish which seems endless.

酒精濃度/ Alcohol: 14.5%

適飲溫度/ Serving temperature: 16-18°

建議搭配/ Food matches:適合正式場合,搭配烘烤或碳烤肉類,各式野味,成熟的乳酪亦非常適合



酒廠 winery 發表品酒心得

    巴比酒廠 Fattoria dei BARBI

    Colombini(科隆比尼)家族在1352年取得Montalcino(蒙塔奇諾)的土地,1790年成立Fattoria dei Barbi(巴比)酒廠,開啟了葡萄酒釀製的成功故事;葡萄園面積約有100公頃,面向蒙塔奇諾的南方與東南方,大部份為岩石土壤及小部分黏土/沙質。酒廠於1840年於一場波爾多的博覽會上旗下Brunello di Montalcino獲得極高的肯定,1892年拿下國家農務部頒發的銀牌獎,確立優良製酒的重要里程碑,爾後更榮獲海內外無數獎項,他們對於葡萄酒的專注與持續努力可以從1870年所留下的古老樣品可見端倪。除此之外Barbi酒莊也有不少有趣的佳績/小故事,它是第一個率先採用郵寄的方式銷售酒(1936年),出口Brunello di Montalcino至歐美國家的先驅酒廠(1962年),以及最早生產Brunello的渣釀白蘭地(Grappa)的酒莊(1974年)。2007年酒莊的Brunello Riserva和Brunello vigna del Fiore更奪得國際最高競技獎。Barbi酒廠在Montalcino以及Scansano各有一處產區,累計起來擁有上百個橡木桶及不繡鋼桶,年產量高達八十萬瓶,名列於Brunello di Montalcino的第三大。目前由Stefano Cinelli Colombini經營管理,特別熱衷於科技技術創新,將原本富有傳統歷史的Barbi酒莊帶向新世紀高峰。為了提升品質又需兼顧優良傳統的堅持下,他在Montalcino的酒莊內進行不少堪稱當時最先進的研究,累積超過20年的種植密度、葡萄栽種學的紀錄,還不包含Colombini家族200年所有的研究心血!此外,Stefano Cinelli Colombini與兩間大學合作(University of Siena and Madrid & University of Pisa and Tor Vergata ),共同研發第一個葡萄酒電子鼻及創新的葡萄生物感應系統。尤以他和Pisa大學設計的一套系統(稱為PMF專案,Pre- Macerazione a Freddo, Cold Pre- maceration, 2001),足以保留葡萄內更多倍的多酚、單寧、及花青素但絲毫不影響葡萄品種(Sangiovese)的香氣與口感。甚至他還成立一個非營利的基金會博物館(Museum of Montalcino's community and Brunello)作為Brunello的文化與歷史推廣的重要推手。在Stefano Cinelli Colombini的長達25年工作期間,Fattoria dei Barbi已有效從過去22萬瓶年產量(1981年)提升至80萬年產量(現今)的水準,超過一億多的歐元收入。如今的Fattoria dei Barbi酒莊成為世界性傳奇酒莊,銷售遍及英美加拿大等。  
    In 1790 Colombini family acquired the now famous Fattoria dei Barbi and since those times they scrupulously committed to viticulture and wine making. In 1840 a Fattoria dei Barbi's Brunello di Montalcino is awarded at an exposition in Bordeaux: it will be the first of a long series of awards conferred both in Italy and abroad. The commitment and efforts of Fattoria dei Barbi in the viticulture and wine is witnessed by an exclusive collection of bottles of Vinsanto and Brunello di Montalcino of which the most ancient exemplars are dated back to 1870 until nowadays. Fattoria dei Barbi has also achieved some interesting records, including the first sale of wine by mail (1936) and, in 1962, the first export of Brunello di Montalcino in Europe and America, the production, in 1974, of the first grappa of Brunello. From the 1800's to today, their wines have received awards in every part of the world, and their blue label Brunello is one of the most widely recognized. Fattoria dei Barbi owns two wineries, one at Montalcino and the other at Scansano, in which are found more than 200 casks, 200 barriques and 120 steel and concrete tanks, with a total capacity of 20,000 hectoliters (about 528,000 gallons). The yearly production of Fattoria dei Barbi is of about 800,000 bottles, of which one third is Brunello di Montalcino. Today Fattoria dei Barbi is run by Stefano Cinelli Colombini, descendant of the ancient family from Siena and owners since 1790, whose interest for technological innovation has allowed the ancient winery to achieve further progresses. In order to accomplish the goal of improving the quality while respecting tradition, he conducted researches in Montalcino's vineyards and in the most advanced techniques. The results obtained in more than twenty years of research on the density of vineyards and on viticulture - besides 200 years of researches done by the family - are available at Fattoria dei Barbi. The interest of Stefano Cinelli Colombini for technology allowed him to create - with the collaboration of University of Siena and Madrid - the first electronic nose for wine analysis, as well as an innovative biosensors system for grape analysis in collaboration with University of Pisa and Tor Vergata (Rome). In the spirit of joining technology and tradition, Stefano Cinelli Colombini is studying in collaboration with the University of Pisa, a system that can recreate the optimal conditions for harvesting, the one typical at the end of October with grapes and cellars colder than the current average conditions. The result is represented by the PMF project (Pre-Macerazione a Freddo, Cold Pre-Maceration) in 2001, with which it is possible to obtain a Brunello with more polyphenols, tannins and anthocyanins, even twice the normal quantities, while allowing at the same time to keep the typical characteristics, flavors and aromas of Sangiovese di Montalcino. This system allows the enrichment of Brunello without alteration. Stefano Cinelli Colombini's passion for this famous wine has led him to establish the Museo della Comunità di Montalcino e del Brunello (Museum of Montalcino's community and Brunello), a non profit foundation which occupies an area of 1,000 square meters (1,195 square yards) and having the goal of spreading the history of Brunello and the culture which created it. The work of Stefano Cinelli Colombini is also tangible in the commercial aspects of the winery. During his 25 years of work, Fattoria dei Barbi has increased its market quotes by increasing the production from 220,000 bottles in 1981 to the current 800,000 and a total income of ten millions and a half of euros. Fattoria dei Barbi's wines are currently exported in many countries of the world, including United States of America, United Kingdom and Canada.



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