

-傑樂托酒莊 莫斯卡托達斯提微甜微氣泡白酒
CERETTO Moscato d'Asti

原價:$ 980/瓶



義大利-傑樂托酒莊-皮埃蒙特 阿斯提產區D.O.C.G.

CERETTO Moscato d'Asti I Vignaioli di Santo Stefano,
Asti D.O.C.G., Piedmont, Italy

產區/Region:Moscato d'Asti D.O.C.G., Piedmont

品種/Grapes:Moscato Bianco 100 %

酒質/Tasting Notes:Moscato是原產自法國的白葡萄品種Moscat,也就是知名的麝香葡萄,特色是帶有濃郁的熱帶水果(如荔枝)和玫瑰花等的香氣,因此釀成葡萄酒非常討喜!此款佳釀甜白酒隨著時間的陳年,愈顯明亮稻黃色澤,並帶有氣泡。濃郁持久的荔枝果香,聞起來活潑而沁人心脾。在口中甜味、酸度和豐富的果味形成和諧的平衡,低酒精度又含有一些氣泡的特色,口感十分清爽怡人。 

This sweet white is the dessert wine par excellence. Straw-yellow of varying intensity depending on the vintage, it has an intensely fruity nose which is aromatic and very persistent. The sweet flavor is beautifully balanced with the low alcohol (5% vol.) and the acidity, which - though never high - gives the product an appealing freshness.


酒精濃度/ Alcohol: 5%

適飲溫度/ Serving temperature: 6-8 °C

建議搭配/ Food matches:可做為開胃酒,餐後搭配水果更是理想。


’00--Wine Spectator:90 pts "Highly Recommended"
’01--Wine Spectator:88 pts "Smart Buy"
’02--Wine Spectator:88 pts "Smart Buy"
’07--Wine Spectator:90pts



酒廠 winery 發表品酒心得

    傑樂托酒莊 Ceretto Aziende Vitivinicole s.r.l. 

     創立於1930s年代,現由Ceretto家族第三代接手經營的Aziende Vinicole Ceretto酒廠,位於義大利西北邊的知名葡萄酒產區Piedmont。旗下擁有七座獨立的葡萄酒莊園以及一間蒸餾酒廠,總共擁有超過120公頃的葡萄園面積。1977年Ceretto與兩位合作夥伴成立I Vignaioli di Santo Stefano酒廠,由Ceretto負責技術指導和銷售;這幾位酒農擁有當地最好的葡萄園,且近年來一直有優良的酒農加入行列。Ceretto並且不斷導入先進的釀造技術以提升產品品質。在這生產的產品有Moscato d’Asti白酒、Moscato Passito甜白酒和Asti Spumante氣泡酒;由於這些Moscato葡萄酒的品質相當優良,因此Ceretto被評為Asti的Moscato葡萄酒最好的品牌之一。

    在密閉溫控不銹鋼槽中進行發酵,因此發酵產生的二氧化碳氣泡仍保留在酒中;一旦酒精濃度達到酒廠所要的標準,會以急速降溫的方式中止發酵程序,此時仍有一些殘餘糖分在酒中,賦予這款酒鮮活的甜味。這是Ceretto呈獻給世人的 “La Dolce Vita(the sweet life)”!

    Ceretto is one of Piemonte's major estates, though perhaps the term estate isn't quite adequate. It was founded in the 1930s by Riccardo Ceretto, who passed the torch to his sons Bruno and Marcello in the 1960s. They expanded Riccardo's Casa Vinicola Ceretto into Ceretto Aziende Vitinvincole s.r.l., a collection of small wineries that farm some of the best plots of land in the Barolo and Barbaresco production zones, and also added holdings in other especially good areas, such as Castellinaldo for Arneis. With an almost metaphorical return to their origins, in 1976 the Ceretto brothers - together with two partners (Sergio Santi and the brothers Gianpiero and Andrea Scavino) - founded I Vignaioli di Santo Stefano in the village where their father, Riccardo, was born.The farm works 20 acres of its own land, as well as the San Maurizio estate leased from Count Carlo Vittorio Incisa Beccaria, a prestigious hillside area of approximately 80 acres in Santo Stefano Belbo.Around 160,000 bottles of Moscato d’Asti, 20,000 of Asti, and 5,000 of Moscato Passito are produced here on average each year.Limited pruning, balanced manuring, thinning of the bunches, and grading of the grapes during the harvest are the cornerstones on which the tending of the vineyards is based, while rackings, clarifications and filtrations reduced to the absolute minimum are the fundamental steps in the winery that guarantee to bring out the aromatic properties of the grapes.

    In the Langhe region, every hill has its own history and its own image. The Ceretto Aziende Vitivinicole has been able to select the best crus and create a group of small wineries that produce a considerable number of bottles without sacrificing quality. Direct, in-house wine-making that combines tradition and innovation is the cornerstone of the Cerettos' corporate philosophy. And as important as investment in technology and property has been investment in human resources, so the azienda has trained a group of talented young professionals and given them a significant degree of autonomy and responsibility.


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