

崗夏酒莊 不甜波西可氣泡酒
GANCIA Prosecco Dry

原價:$ 700/瓶



-不甜波西可氣泡酒 NV

GANCIA Prosecco Dry,
Veneto DOC, Italy NV

產區/Region: Veneto

品種/Grapes: Glera


酒質/Tasting Notes: 這支氣泡酒的名稱來自於其釀製的葡萄品種-波西可(Prosecco),為佳釀提供典型的香氣。這也是崗夏酒廠精製獨特且具有品質保證的氣泡酒。淡淡的稻草黃色澤,輕脆的蘋果香氣,清新及協調。干型,饒富果香及均衡度。

Straw yellow with greenish reflections, thin perlage, rich and persistent. The scent is intense and persistent, fruity, of quality, clearly reminiscent of the golden apple and the scent of acacia flowers. aste sweet and fresh, pleasant, of great softness and stable balance, with good persistence and fruity finish. 

酒精濃度/ Alcohol: 11.5%

適飲溫度/ Serving temperature: 8-10°

建議搭配/ Food matches:非常適合作為開胃酒或搭配開胃小品。
Ideal as an aperitif and to accompany light first courses, appetizers, fresh cheeses and seafood. Excellent as a base for cocktails.




酒廠 winery 發表品酒心得

    崗夏酒莊  GANCIA 


    Gancia was founded in 1850 by Carlo Gancia who created the very first Italian sparkling wine and paved the way to the birth of the Italian sparkling wine industry. The company is still 100% owned by the Gancia family, now in the fifth generation, which fully controls the company and is deeply involved in all its business aspects from the production to the distribution and marketing of a full range of sparkling wines and aperitifs.


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