

山神酒廠 蘇維濃白酒
VINHO TUNUPA Sauvignon Blanc

原價:$ 420/瓶

VINHO TUNUPA Sauvignon Blanc,Colchargu Valley, Chile

產區/Region: Colchagua Valley

品種/Grapes: 100% Sauvignon Blanc

酒質/Tasting Notes:天然麥桿色澤中散發新鮮清麗的白柚及雨後飄散的青草香;高雅秀氣的黃葡萄柚果酸帶來均衡且舒暢爽口的韻度,厚而不重的酒體讓尾韻細長且清新。
Natural straw color exudes gorgeous Baiyou 
fresh grass and rain drifting incense; elegant Delicate yellow grapefruit acidity balanced and comfortable to bring rhyme refreshing degree, thick but not heavy Let rhyme slender bodied and fresh.

酒精濃度/ Alcohol:13%

適飲溫度/ Serving temperature:10-12°C

建議搭配/ Food matches:適合與各種中式海鮮料理、生魚片、沙拉及藍色乳酪搭配使用。 
Suitable for a variety of Chinese style seafood, sashimi, salads and with blue cheese.



酒廠 winery 發表品酒心得

    西瓦家族的第一代Emile Bouchonk於1892年由法國波爾多移居至智利,是在智利Colchagua谷地開墾葡萄園的先驅者,葡萄園的歷史可追溯到一百年之前,目前擁有800公頃質量控制平衡的葡萄園,酒莊仍由西瓦家族的第四代及第五代經營,是智利最富盛名的家族酒莊之一。西瓦家族非常尊重terroir-葡萄園的風土,以及不斷致力於品質與釀酒技術的提升,成就了西瓦酒莊成為了智利獲獎最多、最頂尖的酒廠之一,並榮膺2000年於倫敦舉辦的國際葡萄酒與烈酒競賽(IWSC)的”最佳南美葡萄酒莊”的殊榮。
    Silva family first generation - Emile Bouchon in 1892 migrated to Chile from Bordeaux, France, is a pioneer in the vineyards cultivated in Chile Colchagua Valley. The history of vineyard can be tracked back to a hundred years ago, now has 800 hectares of quality control balance vineyards, and still operated by the 4th. And 5th. Generation. They are one of Chile's most famous family winery. Silva family has great respect for terroir- vineyards, and constantly working to improve the quality and winemaking techniques, the achievements of Siva became Chile's most awarded winery, one of the top wineries, and won in 2000 in London organized the international Wine and Spirit Competition (IWSC) “Best Wineries in South America.”


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