

多利士酒廠 神話紅酒

原價:$ 1650/瓶


西班牙-多利士酒廠-加泰隆尼亞 貝利奧拉特產區-神話紅酒
TORRES Salmos, D.O.Q. Priorat, Spain

產區/Region:D.O.Q Priorat

品種/Grapes:Syrah, Cariñena, Garnacha Tinta

酒質/Tasting Notes:Salmos名字的由來是為了向十一世紀卡爾特教團英勇的修道士致敬,他們在西元1095年來到普里奧拉開始種植葡萄,在西元1835年葡萄園與修道院卻遭受到破壞,最終以拍賣修道院物業為收場,這就是知名的"Desamortización de Mendizábal"事件。西元1996年,多利士家族在山坡上佈滿堅硬、像黑色版岩的里克萊亞土壤(Licorella)上開始葡萄園種植工作。由多利士家族釀造,葡萄來自我們位於波雷拉(Porrera)與埃利洛阿爾(Lloar)的葡萄園。神話紅酒是普里奧拉(Priorat)地區出產的葡萄酒,其酒體在強而有力與優雅之間取得無與倫比的平衡。

Origin :Made by the Torres family and coming exclusively from our vineyards located in the municipalities of Porrera and Lloar, Salmos is a Priorat wine that manages to achieve an unparalleled balance between power and elegance.
Description :This Wine is a homage to the monks of the courageous carthusian order, who arrived in 'Priorat', in 1095, where they cultivated vines. In 1835 a violent crowd destroyed the work of a lifetime and sacked the monastery, events which later culminated in the auctioning of church lands known as the "Desamortización de Mendizábal". In 1996 the Torres Family began work on the planting of vineyards on the slopes strewn with the hard, black slate-like "Licorella" stone.
Tasting Notes:Dark in hue and almost opaque, it is fragrant and mineral on the nose while on the palate it is luxurious and oily, but also silky and with a long finish. This darkly coloured wine is reminiscent of jam and liquorish, over a smooth spicy and toasted background, which comes from The French oak barrels.


酒精濃度/ Alcohol:%

適飲溫度/ Serving temperature:16-18°C

建議搭配/ Food matches: 適合搭配野味與紅肉類料理。適飲溫度為16-18ºC
Game and red meat dishes. Serve at 16-18ºC.


 2014 de Grupo Gourmets (Spain): 95 points (11)
 2014 Semana Vitivinícola (Spain): 93 points (11)
 2014 ABC (Spain): 93 points (10)
 2014 Anuario de El País (Spain): 92 points (10)
 2013 The Dallas Morning News and Texsom (USA): Gold Medal (10)
 2013 Anuario de El País (Spain): 93 points (10)
 2013 Semana Vitivinícola (Spain): 92 points (10)
 2012 International Wine Challenge (United Kingdom): Gold Medal (10)
 2012 Japan Wine Challenge (Japan): Gold Medal (10)
 2012 Mundus Vini (Germany): Gold Medal (10)
 2012 Wine Advocate (USA): 90 points (10)
 2011 Wine Enthusiast (USA): 90 points (09)
 2011 Decanter Wine Awards (United Kingdom): Gold Medal (08)
 2011 Wine Advocate (USA): 92 points (08)
 2010 Japan Wine Challenge (Japan): Gold Medal (07)
 2010 Mundus Vini (Germany): Gold Medal (07)
 2010 Japan Wine Challenge (Japan): Best Spanish Wine (07)
 2010 Japan Wine Challenge (Japan): Best Old World Red Wine (07)
 2009 Wine Spectator (USA): 90 points (07)
 2009 Campsa (Spain): 93 points (06)
 2008 Japan Wine Challenge (Japan): Gold Medal (06)
 2008 Wine Spectator (USA): 90 points (06)
 2008 Campsa (Spain): 93 points (05)
 2008 Wine Advocate (USA): 91 points (05)
 2008 Wine Enthusiast (USA): 90 points (05)
 2007 Mundus Vini (Germany): Gold Medal (05)
 2007 Wine Spectator (USA): 90 points (05)


酒廠 winery 發表品酒心得

    多利士酒廠  TORRES
    TORRES這個姓氏跟葡萄酒早在三個世紀以前就有了連結,在當時TORRES家族的祖先們就在酒廠的發源地 佩內德斯Penedes(具有千年釀酒歷史的地區)的葡萄園工作。TORRES家族就這樣代代相傳的在這裡辛勤的耕作著。

    在1800年TORRES家族開始有了商業活動,當Jamie Torres Vendrell(1843-1905)從古巴返回西班牙以後,開始致力於擴張國內與國際市場像是古巴、阿根廷以及波多黎各。

    到了1870年 Jamie與Miguel Torres Vendrell(1823-1910)開始在Penedes建立起TORRES家族的第一座酒廠。所釀製的葡萄酒很快地在世界各地受到了歡迎,更在維也納、費城、巴黎等地得到許多獎項。

    TORRES家族不只在葡萄酒上用心經營,1928年在Juan Torres Casals(1865-1932)的積極推動下,更開啟了釀製白蘭地的事業。

    Miguel Torres Carbo (1909-1991) 對於品質的堅持與開拓國際市場的遠見都是讓TORRES成功蛻變成為國際知名酒廠的大功臣之一。他從幫忙送酒給餐廳的基層工作做起,經歷了西班牙內戰與二次世界大戰對酒廠造成的損害,1939年酒廠甚至受到了炸彈的攻擊,在一片殘破磚瓦當中Miguel Torres Carbo與妻子Dona Margarita一步一步讓TORRES酒廠重新振作。
    在Miguel Torres Carbo經營期間,他不但擴張了葡萄園的面積,也開始自己裝瓶,更創造了許多有名的系列像是Vina Sol、Gran Vina Sol、Sangre de Toro、Coronas 還有在台灣非常受到歡迎的Esmeralda。

    在Miguel Torres Carbo奠定的穩固事業版圖之下,TORRES家族開始把釀酒事業擴展到其他國家,在1979年前往智利的Central Valley成立酒廠,成為第一個在智利開發葡萄酒產業的外國酒廠,1975年當Marimar Torres在加州置產以後,也開始夢想著可以在加州從事釀酒事業,在取得父親的同意之後TORRES家族在Sonoma County 建立了酒廠,在這裡Marimar專精於釀製口感高雅細緻的酒款,像是夏多娜白酒與黑皮諾紅酒。


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